



  • 外文名:weigh
  • 詞性:名詞,動詞
  • 英式讀音:[weɪ]
  • 美式讀音:[weɪ]


weigh on重壓於;使苦惱
weigh up權衡;估量;稱
weigh in加入比賽;比賽前量體重;參加辯論
weigh down使頹喪;壓低;重於
weigh outv. 稱出


  • 1The largest stones weigh over five tonnes apiece.最大的石頭每塊重五噸以上。《牛津詞典》
  • 2How many pounds do you weigh?你體重多少磅?《新英漢大辭典》
  • 3The smart bin can weigh the food.智慧型垃圾桶可以稱食物的重量。
  • 4Weigh this in your hand.掂掂這有多重。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5How much does the heavier boy weigh?那個比較重的男孩多重?
  • 6You weigh about 90% less in the pool.在游泳池裡,你的體重會減少90%。
  • 7How much do adult grey squirrels weigh at most?成年灰松鼠的體重最多有多少?
  • 8They like to take their time and weigh a wide range of options.他們喜歡慢慢來,權衡各種選擇。
  • 9These gondolas always weigh the same, whether or not they are carrying boats.這些貢多拉的重量總是一樣的,不管它們是否運載船隻。
  • 10I use my bimonthly weigh-in results to get information about my nutrition as well.我還會用每月兩次的稱重結果來獲得有關營養方面的信息。
  • 11Before carrying out the plan, we need to weigh its benefits against the risks involved.在執行計畫之前,我們需要權衡其利益與所涉及的風險。
  • 12For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.例如,如果你體重160磅,你應該每天至少喝80盎司的水。
  • 13How do we weigh the risks, how do we think about the benefits, and how do we alleviate the risks?我們如何衡量風險,如何考慮收益以及如何減輕風險?
  • 14It is necessary that we weigh the pros and cons of including English words in Chinese dictionaries.權衡在漢語詞典中加入英語單詞的利弊,這對我們來說是很有必要的。
  • 15According to the study, teenagers who eat breakfast weigh around 5 pounds less than teenagers who do not.根據這項研究,吃早餐的青少年比不吃早餐的青少年體重要少5磅左右。
  • 16It also means to weigh ideas, to compare and contrast assertions, to connect one generalization to another.它還意味著權衡觀點,比較和對比斷言,將一種概括與另一種概括聯繫起來。
  • 17I'm experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a disappointing morning weigh-in.我對鍛鍊的熱情越來越高,因為我不再背負早晨稱重這一令人失望的負擔。
  • 18I think that whatever problems Brazil's facing now—the same will be true for any country—you have to weigh up the pros and cons.我認為,不管巴西現在面臨什麼問題——對任何國家來說都是如此——你都必須權衡利弊。
  • 19The most elementary form of moral reasoning—the ethical equivalent of learning to crawl—is to weigh others' interests against one's own.道德推理的最基本形式——在道德上相當於學會爬行——是將他人的利益與自己的利益進行權衡。
  • 20He should weigh around 16kg (35lb). But scooping him up from the floor costs his nursery teacher, a frail woman in a faded sari, little effort.他的體重應該在16kg左右(35磅)。然而他的幼稚園老師,一位衣著陳舊莎麗的柔弱女子,卻能不費吹灰之力把他提拎起來。
  • 21Such findings suggest that one person's equity is another's inequity, so an ideal should probably weigh different inputs and outcomes according to employee group.這些發現表明,不可能做到人人平等,所以一個理想狀態應該是根據員工群體來衡量不同的投入和結果。
  • 22The responsibilities weigh heavily on him.他肩負重任,寢食不安。《牛津詞典》
  • 23You must weigh the benefits against the cost.你一定要權衡利益與成本二者的得失。《牛津詞典》
  • 24The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.這台秤可以用來稱量包裹等其他物品。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 25They weigh almost nothing.它們幾乎沒有重量。
  • 26I weigh half a ton.我有半噸重。
  • 27Speeder riders must weigh less than 109 kg.騎行“飛車”的人的體重不得超過109公斤。
  • 28The electric eel can reach up to 9 feet long and can weigh up to 22 kg.這種電鰻可以長到9英尺長,重達22公斤。
  • 29Unfortunately we forgot to weigh them before taking out their insides, but I was determined to prove my point.不幸的是,我們在取出它們內里前忘記了稱重,但我決心要證明自己的觀點。
  • 30While you are talking with others, please weigh your words.在與他人交談時,請斟酌你的語言。


