- 外文名:weaponry
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈwepənri]
- 美式發音:[ˈwepənri]
Preteen Weaponry, Pt. II 《Preteen Weaponry, Pt. II》是Oneida演唱的歌曲。
海軍武器裝備(Naval weaponry)是海軍諸兵種執行作戰、訓練任務和實施勤務保障的各種戰鬥裝備和技術裝備的總稱。包括:艦艇、海軍飛機、海軍飛彈、水中武器、海軍炮、兩棲車輛等戰鬥裝備;海軍通信、導航、偵察、雷達、聲納、電子對抗、三防 ...
用兵是漢語辭彙,拼音:yòng bīng,釋義是使用兵器;調兵遣將,指揮戰爭;使用武力,進行戰爭。出自《國語·越語下》。釋義 (1) [use weaponry]∶使用兵器 立小人以教用兵 (2) [use military forces;resort to arms]∶使用武力,...
《現代兵器》地址:(100089)北京2413信箱8分箱(Modern Weaponry)是中國兵器工業集團公司主管、中國兵器工業情報研究所主辦的一本綜合性軍事科技月刊,其宗旨是使讀者全面、系統、及時、準確地了解世界各國、各地區三軍裝備及其技術的現狀及...
中國民兵武器裝備陳列館(The militia weaponry China Museum)位於北京市通州區京杭大運河源頭,北京市通州區焦王莊陳列館路25號,館名由江澤民主席親自題寫。1991年破土動工,占地10餘萬平方米,建築面積12000多平方米。1998年10月建成並...
bastard, cast out into the world with only his magical link with animals for solace and companionship. But When Fitz is adopted into the royal household, he must give up his old ways and learn a new life; weaponry...
機械拆解2是一款休閒益智類遊戲,支持Android 2.2。Explore the world of weaponry like never before!Disassemble and reassemble 51 highly-detailed models with fully working animated parts!View the gun in complete 3D,and learn...
It was invented by Richard J. Gatling during the American Civil War, and later used in the Spanish-American War, but was supplanted by advanced weaponry soon after.美國獨立戰爭期間,理察J .蓋特發明了這款武器,之後在...
and dedicated force. The author provides a detailed look at the service life of a Royal Marine Commando in a time of great change, exploring the developments that took place in recruitment, training, equipment, weaponry,...
(1) 弓、矛、劍、戟等兵器的總稱 [weaponry]帝自山下望其眾,袍仗精整,人人盡力,壯之。——《新唐書》(2) 又如:兵仗(兵器);器仗;儀仗;明火執仗 (3) 儀仗隊 [guard of honor or guard]凡朝會之仗,三衛番上,分...
The peaceful, fun loving ant colony of Leaf Valley is invaded by the aggressive Nanga tribe. Their only option is to fight back. Its a good thing they have access to all the latest heavy weaponry! Help the ants re...
use. Just as manufacturers were turning wartime industry to peacetime productivity--going from missiles to washing machines--American architects and cultural institutions were, in Buckminster Fuller's words, turning "weaponry ...
Preteen Weaponry 唱片名 Preteen Film 兒童片 Japanese Preteen Suite 東山翔 Teenage & preteen 青春期前的 Speedster Preteen Costume 超速青春期服裝 As A Preteen 作為一個青春期前 Preteen Sailor Costume 青春期水手服 Fire Heroine ...
Shopping, 2 bricks, master of the weaponry,Sell to both clicks Blacksmith with the iron fists Rigo mortis, I watch that body rot to the bone structure Sweep out your brains, watch your eye *** rapture Black magic ...
) and other foe. Don't worry you'll use your Mafia skills to execute everyone. Collect musical notes to upgrade your weaponry: - Detonate dynamite and blow stuff up - Upgrade to a Hand Gun for fast and ...
pain, suffering and murder. As the events unfold the heroes and heroines of this story are caught up in a fantastic mind-boggling adventure filled with lightening fast action, state of the art and futuristic weaponry, ...