- 外文名:waggle
- 詞性:動詞、名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˈwæɡl]
- 美式讀音:[ˈwæɡl]
晃動,指來回搖動或上下擺動,特指反覆地和急促地或波浪式地搖動。基本資料 【詞目】 晃動 【拼音】huàng dòng 【注音】ㄏㄨㄤˋ ㄉㄨㄙˋ【詞性】 動詞 基本解釋 1. [waggle]∶來回搖動或上下擺動,特別指反覆地和急促地或波浪式...
在漢城國立大學從事英語教學18年,現任韓國初級英語教育協會會長。內容簡介 《來穿衣服吧》主要內容簡介:Baby dresses Waggles. She puts her underwear, her tee, and her socks on Waggles.What else does she put on Waggles?
Wiggle waggle really really good Let's do the gaggling giggling wiggle Come on here's your chance Everyone can do The gaggle giggle wiggle dance Let's giggle gaggle wiggle waggle Giggle giggle gaggle gaggle Wiggle wiggle...
W is the wiggle waggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle waggle X is the star jump make yourself look life an x Dance away through the alphabet Letter by letter Ready set dance Y is the yoyo dance down and up and down ...
《Little Robin Redbreast》是Super Simple Songs演唱的歌曲,收錄於《中英文雙語兒歌-Super Simple Songs》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a rail Niddle noddle went his head wiggle Waggle went his tail Little ...
《智慧泡泡》是一款簡單有趣的益智小遊戲,遊戲通過滑鼠拖動控制小球移動,小球每跳過另一個小球即可將其消除。當方格中剩下一個小球即可過關。遊戲介紹 分類:益智小遊戲 | 大小:1515K | 日期:2013-03-20 英文名:Waggle Hd 專題...
波動。搖動 [waggle]。如:滉然(波影晃動的樣子);滉滉(浮動的樣子);滉漾(閃動;搖動);滉盪(搖晃,波動的樣子)古籍釋義 康熙字典 《廣韻》胡廣切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》戸廣切,𠀤音幌。水深廣貌。《郭璞·江賦》瀇滉困...
2. The Difference Difference Makes: Waggle the Bay of Pigs, and the Value of Diversity Dances 3. Monkey See, Monkey Do: Imitation, Information Cascades, and Independence 4. Putting the Pieces Together: The CIA, Linux,...
長期通過技術創新、完善技術流程來為客戶提供更加完美、專業的解決方案,同時也不斷得到國內同行的認可,與美國Easter Technology公司、美國Websiters Marketing公司、台灣壹時代公司、台灣蘋果世界公司及日本Waggle Marketing株式會社簽訂了代理、...
20. Waggle Dance - Ginger and The Fireside Girls 21. Dance Baby - Aaron Daniel Jacob 22. Feelin' Super - Ian Osborne 23. My Evil Buddies and Me - Danny Jacob 24. Izzy's Got the Frizzies - Carmen Carter ...
One current solution is, if I'm going to apply a semipermanent transform to a view (and not merely waggle it temporarily somehow), to remove all constraints affecting it.當前的一個解決方案是,如果我打算申請一個半永久...