Name/姓名: 孫力偉

Age/年齡: 30
Birthday/生日: [font color=#006699]1987.06.17[/font]
Location/籍貫: 湖北省武漢市
Height/身高: 168cm
Weight/體重: 50kg
ID/暱稱: wNv.xiaOt"
Years of Gaming/遊戲年齡: 3年
Team used to work for/曾效力戰隊: 5E
Arms of being best at/擅長槍械:
Map of being best at/擅長地圖: LT
Habitual action/標誌性動作
Favorite role/最喜歡的角色 cool
Most wonderful individual performance/最精彩個人表演 forgot
The most unforgetful match/最難忘的比賽: WCG2005中國區總決賽
Achievements/所獲榮譽: Champion of ESWC2003 China Preliminary 2003ESWC中國區冠軍
Champion of ESWC2004 China Preliminary
Champion of GOC2004 China Preliminary
Runner-up of CIG2004 China Preliminary
Champion of rs-A2005 China Preliminary
2005 rs-A中國總決賽冠軍
Runner-up of WCG2005 China Preliminary
Champion of CKCG2005 China Preliminary
WEG 1 8th
WEG 2 8th
Personal 個人篇
Nickname/小名: 威威
Boold type/血型: 威威
Zodiac/星座: Aquarius
Hobby/個人愛好: 競技類遊戲 動腦遊戲
Having girlfriend or not/有無女友: 無
Favorite phrase/口頭禪: Are you OK?
Favorite food/最喜歡的食物: 螃蟹 蝦子
Favorite animal最喜歡的動物: 無
Favorite wearing/最喜歡的著裝: 休閒
Self assessment/自我評價: 偉大的我 無須介紹.