- 外文名:videophone
- 詞性:名詞
- 釋義:電視電話
- 英式讀音:[ˈvɪdiəʊfəʊn]
寬頻可視電話(Broadband videophone)是在寬頻網的基礎上提供給用戶使用的可以進行視頻通話的業務。發展歷程 基於PSTN的可視電話系統發展了50年,但未得到廣泛套用。隨著網際網路的飛速發展,一種新的可視電話技術在不經意之間已被普遍套用。寬頻網路可視電話技術具有獨特的技術優勢,它使用的頻寬可以滿足視頻傳送的頻寬需求...
用於PSTN的美國AT&T VideoPhone 2500 採用Motorola的MC68302處理器作為Video- Phone的主機。視頻編碼器由Compression Labs公司提供,視頻壓縮算法與H.261相似。亮度信號的解析度為128×112,色差信號的解析度32×28。運動補償使用16×16塊。分配給視頻信號的碼率為10kbit/s,視頻信號的幀速率為10幀/秒,即每幀圖像數據為...
如:[e-mail]電子郵件, [e-business]電子商務,[global network]全球信息網路,[cyberpunk]電腦筋客, [和shower toilet]噴洗烘乾式便器, [second life loan]第二人生貸款 退休後購房貸款 , [technical hacker] 利用計算機竊取錢財的 技術犯罪集團, [digital video disc]數字視盤, 數碼影碟 dvd , [videophone]電...
June 2005.[5] X. K. Yang, W. S. Lin, Z. K. Lu, X. Lin, S. Rahardja, E. P. Ong and S. S. Yao, “Rate Control for videophone using perceptual sensitivity cues,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol.15, No.4, pp.496- 507, April 2005.
《Sorrow B4 Christmas》是由Eddy Van Hamersveld執導的電影,由Eddy Van Hamersveld擔任編劇,由Adele Lamont、Eddy Van Hamersveld主演。劇情簡介 A desperate man calls his ex by videophone a day before Christmas. He tries to get a conversation. But the ex appears not very cooperative as something that ...
[3] Jingshuang Shen, Chongyang Zhang, and Chuanwen Jiang, “TV-based Caring Videophone System for the Elderly in the Smart Home Environment,” Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Volume 2013, Article ID 651471.[4] Y. Chen, W.Lin, Chongyang Zhang, Z. Chen, N. Xu, J. Xie, ...
to the contradictory design requirements of video quality, bit rate, delay, complexity error resilience, and other related system design aspects. Topics covered include information theoretical foundations block-based and convolutional channel coding very-low-bit-rate video codecs and multimode videophone ...
and because it′s fun. And a personalized MythTV is so much more than a PVR. You can combine HDTV, DVD, all kinds of music, radio, photos, even a plug–in videophone module. All you need is a little Linux know–how, assorted software components and plug–ins, an adventurous nature, ...
Jack. Wolf leaves with the Second pillar, leaving Alby, who was brought with them, alone at the Vertex. The occpants of the Halicarnassus, on an airfield in Botswana, who were called on the phone to help Jack avoiding the traps at the Vertex, see the whole thing on the videophone. ...
靜止圖像可視電話 靜止圖像可視電話(still picture videophone)是1997年公布的鐵道科學技術名詞。公布時間 1997年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《鐵道科學技術名詞》第一版。
hey pop my girlfriend‘s only three She‘s got her own videophone and she‘s taking lsd And now that we are best friends She wants to give a bit to me But what is the matter daddy How come you are turning green Could it be that you can not live up to your dream Thank you ...