- 外文名:ventilative
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈventɪlətɪv]
- 釋義:通風的;換氣的
ventilative diving 通風式潛水
ventilative function 通氣功能
ventilative resistance 風阻
ventilative roadbed 通風路基
pulmonary ventilative 肺通氣
ventilative device 換氣裝置
ventilative system 通風系統
ventilative ridge 通風屋脊
ventilative diving equipment 通風式潛水設備
The software of control system has been exploited to aim at diversity of ventilative aims.針對通風目的和通風方式的多元化,開發了控制系統軟體。
Conclusion: GER was the important factor inducing and aggravating asthma, asthmatic patients with GER can be controled effectively and improve the lung ventilative function by anti-reflux treating.結論:GER是誘發和加重哮喘的重要因素,哮喘合併ger患者作抗返流治療能有效控制哮喘發作,改善肺通氣功能。
Conclusions When environmental pressure was added, positive pressure breathing higher than the ventilative resistance of the Eustachian tube could prevent ear barotraumas.結論當人體的環境壓力增加時,經面罩提供大於咽鼓管通氣阻力的正壓呼吸可以預防耳氣壓傷的發生。