- 外文名:valorem
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式音標:[vəˈlɔ:rəm]
- 美式音標:[vəˈlɔːrem]
- Stamp Duty An ad-valorem or flat rate charged upon certain documents. 對一些檔案按其價值收取的收費。
- A compound tariff is a combination of a specific and an AD valorem tariff. 複合關稅是從價稅與從量稅兩種關稅相結合所徵收的關稅。
- Ad valorem tariffs are levied as a proportion of the value of the imported good. 從價稅是按進口商品一定價值比例徵收的。
- An AD valorem tax is a tax based on the value of real estate or personal property. 從價稅是稅收的基礎上的價值,房地產或個人財產。
- As for valuable goods shipped by sea, the shipping company will charge an AD valorem rate. 如ꛥ果貨物價值較高,運輸公司則收取從價運費。
- At this point, the auction is the fairest and most easy to pull the AD valorem transaction. 在這一點上,拍賣是最公平和最容易拉廣告價交易。
- The tax may be levied as a percentage of the value of the imports, which is called an AD valorem tariff. 稅費可以按照進口商品價值的一定的百分比來徵收,這稱為從價關稅。
- Article 36. Customs duties of import and export goods may be levied by means of AD valorem, specific duties, or otherwise specified by the State. 第三十六條進出口貨物關稅,以從價計征、從量計征或者國家規定的其他方式徵收。
- According to the revised Regulations, the amount of consumption tax payable may be calculated ad valorem, at a flat rate or by a combination of the two. 修訂後的條例規定消費稅實行從價定率、從量定額,或者從價定率和從量定額複合計稅的辦法計算應納稅額。
- Singapore currently imposes AD valorem stamp duty on any instrument that effects the disposal, transfer or conveyance of stocks (or shares) or immovable properties. 新加坡目前對任何引起股票或不動產的處置、轉移或轉讓的契約都按價徵收印花稅。
- If the change of tariff classification does not show substantive change, it takes AD valorem percentage, production or processing procedures as replenished standard. 稅則歸類改變不能反映實質性改變的,以從價百分比、製造或者加工工序等為補充標準。
- We also tried specifications where we treated the specific and AD valorem taxes separately and found that the estimated incidences were similar to the ones we report. 我們還試圖規範,我們處理的具體和從價稅分開,並發現,估計發病率是類似於我們的報告。
- The value added tax for the import link shall be AD valorem taxes calculated on the basis of the taxable price assessed by the customs house and the anti-dumping duties. 進口環節增值稅以海關審定的完稅價格加上關稅和反傾銷稅作為計稅價格從價計征。
- Ad valorem duties are important to those importing goods into the United States of America because the amount of duty owed is often based on the value of the imported commodity. 從價稅是很重要的是進口貨物進入美國,因為拖欠款額的責任往往是基於價值的進口商品。
- The base level of specific duties will be that in force at the time of the accession of China and the ad valorem equivalent of each specific duty applied to each tariff position. 從量稅的基礎水平將為在中國加入之時實施的水平及對每一稅號實施的每一從量稅的從價稅等值。
- Therefore, he proposes to partially roll back the rate reduction in Central Excise duties and enhance the standard rate on all non-petroleum products from 8 per cent to 10 per cent AD valorem. 因此,他建議分批對中央消費稅率下降進行回調,加強對非標準稅率產品的標準,從8%的從價稅調整到10%。