- 外文名:untrammeled
- 詞性:形容詞
- 美式發音:[ʌnˈtræmld]
- 釋義:自由自在的;無阻礙的(等於untrammelled)
[untrammeled] 豪邁蕭灑,飽有才學,卓越不凡;出眾 出處 先生這等翩然而來,真是倜儻不群。——《兒女英雄傳》古籍解釋 康熙字典 《唐韻》《集韻》《正韻》𠀤他歷切,音惕。《說文》倜儻,不羈也。又高舉貌。《荀子·君道篇》倜然...
began composing fiction in English. In his afterword to Lolita he claimed: "My private tragedy, which cannot, and indeed should not, be anybody's concern, is that I had to abandon my natural idiom, my untrammeled,...
Inside this prodigy lives an untrammeled soul. That may just be the source of his creative works. 天才的外表下住著一個不羈的靈魂。也許這就是他創造力的源泉。But though it's the work of a prodigy, it's also, ...
vivid stokes. Her works are ideal combination of fine, delicate strokes and freehand strokes, seclusion, leisure, refreshing, simplicity, force, beauty, lucidity, liveliness. Her freehand landscape works are untrammeled and...