adv. 不穩定地;搖擺地(unsteady 的副詞)
vt. 使不穩定
"Something blew out the light," he said a little unsteadily. “有什麼東西把燈吹滅了。”他有點不鎮定地說。
She pulled herself unsteadily from the bed to the dresser. 她拖著身子搖搖晃晃地從床走到梳妝檯。
Unsteadily he mounted the podium, adjusted the microphone, coughed, and went completely blank. 他搖搖晃晃地走上講台,調好麥克風,咳嗽了幾聲,接著腦子就一片空白。
She walked away unsteadily. 她步伐不穩地走開了。
Burn unsteadily feebly or low; flicker. 燃燒的不穩定,非常微弱,不劇烈;閃動。
I can't leave you, " he said unsteadily." “我離不開你。”他聲音顫抖地說。
A drunken man was walking unsteadily along the street. 一個喝醉了的男子踉踉蹌蹌地走在大街上。
Me. He reached out to me, and my heart thumped unsteadily. 他伸出手夠到我,我的心開始砰砰亂跳。
Badly wounded in his left leg, the soldier walked unsteadily. 戰士右腿受重傷,走路蹣跚。
The flame in the fireplace burned unsteadily and then died out. 壁爐里的火焰跳幾下就滅絕了。
We left the theatre and walked unsteadily out onto the pavement. 我離開了劇院,很不穩健的走到人行道上。
Suddenly, my eyes were attracted to a student who was running unsteadily. 突然,我看到參賽的選手中有個同學在搖搖晃晃的跑著。
I remain seated, andhe walks unsteadily down the hall and into his bedroom. 我仍然坐著,他搖搖晃晃的走向大廳,走進他的臥室。
The central meaning Shared by these verbs is. To move awkwardly or unsteadily. 這些動詞都帶有。笨拙而踉蹌地移動。的意思。
The day Banjo died, he walked unsteadily over to me as I was pulling on my coat. 班卓走上不歸路的那天,我在穿上衣時,它搖搖晃晃地走到我跟前。
I was glad to hear it, " said the Lady in Black, rising unsteadily to her feet." 我很樂意聽你說,”黑衣女人說著,搖晃著站了起來。
From that moment on, he came out of the hands of their parents, walked unsteadily forward. 從那一刻起,他逐漸脫離了父母的雙手,搖搖晃晃地向前走去。
Contrasted with average temperature, the change of extreme temperature is more unsteadily. 極端溫度的變化較之於平均溫度更趨不穩定。
Fitted with artificial legs, he walked unsteadily at first, but his steps grew steady with practice. 裝了假肢,他起初走路走不穩,但經過鍛鍊他的步子穩了。
The boy, wearing dark clothing, can be seen walking unsteadily between parked cars in front of a car dealership. 男孩穿著黑衣服,在一家汽車銷售商店門口停放的汽車之間搖搖擺擺地走著。
Staring at his skinny figure receding unsteadily n the wind, I was suddenly stricken by a surge of bitterness and pain. 望著他晃在風中的嶙峋瘦體,心裡頭突然竄上一股說不清是酸是澀的滋味。
"He is an ignoramus," interrupted my friend, as he stepped unsteadily forward, while I followed immediately at his heels. “他是個笨蛋!”我朋友打斷我的話,偏偏倒倒朝里走去,而我則跟著他寸步不離。
Meaning: At the bottom he slid unsteadily and fell directly on a strong and fat gentleman who was going to climb up the stairs. 在樓梯盡頭,他從扶手上跌下來,與一 個正要上樓梯的矮胖的紳士撞了 個滿懷。
Farmer's income increases slowly and unsteadily in China. That has caused farmers' marginal propensity of low and insufficient consumption. 我國農民收入增長緩慢且不穩定,致使農民邊際消費傾向偏低,消費總量不足。
The fourth oil shale bed developed in lacustrine bog distributes unsteadily with small thickness. It is belong to the oil shale of middle ash and oil yield. 形成於湖沼相的油四層厚度較小,平面上分布不穩定,含油率較高,屬中灰分中含油率的油頁岩。
NOTICE: Please clean the fuel filter in the carburetor periodically, otherwise failure occurs with needle adjustment and the engine may work unsteadily etc. 請特別注意:在一定周期內清潔化油器裡面的燃油濾網,否則將引起油針調節失靈,發動機工作不穩等情況。
Toshio Otomo, 69, walked unsteadily over piles of rubble on hesitant legs, through caked mud, around a broken wall, in hopes of finding her home of 30 years. Toshio Otomo 69歲,躊躇的站在成堆晃動碎石上,穿過淤泥,在破損的牆周圍,希望找到她住了30年的家。
As a parachute canopy moves unsteadily through the air, its equations of motion must include the rate of change of momentum of the air in which it is immersed. 當降落傘在空氣中作非定常運動時,空氣動量的變化率必須包括在降落傘的運動方程中。