- 外文名:unequal
- 釋義:不平等的;不規則的;不勝任的;不等同的事物
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞
- 英式讀音:[ʌnˈiːkwəl]
不平等條約(Unequal treaty)是指有損國家主權的、在締約國間權利、義務分配不公的國際條約、協定。根據1969年《維也納條約法公約》:(1)使用武力或以武力威脅強迫一國締結的條約絕對無效;(2)條約的締結與一般國際法強行規則相牴觸...
非等精度測量 非等精度測量(unequal precision measurement)是2005年公布的航天科學技術名詞。公布時間 2005年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《航天科學技術名詞》第一版。
不等長雙橫臂式獨立懸架(unequal double-wishbone type susperlsion) 每側車輪通過上、下兩個長度不相等的橫臂與車架鉸接且車輪只能在汽車橫向平面內跳動的懸架。其組成與等長雙橫臂式獨立懸架相同。僅上、下臂長度不同。技術特點 ...
《Negotiating with Imperialism》是Harvard University Press出版的圖書,作者是Michael R. Auslin 內容簡介 Japan's modern international history began in 1858 with the signing of the "unequal" commercial treaty with the United ...
1.Unequal Treaty and the opening of Catholic Activities 2.Religious Orders Spread out in China 3.Fifty Years of Religious Persecution 4.Catholic Church in the first half of the 20th Century 5.Relationship Between the ...
Chapter 5 Asymmetric Coupling in Two-Lane Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes with Unequal Injection Rates:Effect of Different Hoping Rates 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Model Formation 5.3 Theoretical Analysis 5.4 Monte Carlo ...
In the last two decades of the twentieth century, following the worldwide collapse of communism, China ascended from being one of the most egalitarian societies in the world to one of the more unequal. Wang Feng ...
Chapter 4 Strong Asymmetric Coupling of Two Parallel Exclusion Processes:Effect of Unequal Injection Rates 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Model 4.3 Mean-Field Analysis 4.4 Monte Carlo Simulations and Discussions 4.5 Conclusion ...
today because most do not adequately tap in to the wealth of human capital available to them. Most organizations believe that they are meritocracies, but that is a myth that masks the real situation of unequal ...
research and lexicography. It contains a very wide range of material from books, newspapers, radio, TV, magazines, letters and talks reflecting the whole spectrum of English today. Its size and range make it an unequal...
《Hood Now》是由Lupe Fiasco演唱的一首歌曲。Lupe Fiasco - Hood Now (Outro)This one for the hood!What do you do when it's so unequal?Wear Michael Jordan's with your tuxedos It's hood now It's hood now Yea,...
甘露德(Rodney Yonkers Gilbert,1889-1968),美國人,《字林西報》駐中國特派記者。著有:《中國有什麼毛病?》(What's Wrong with China? --1926)《不平等條約:中國與外國人》(The Unequal Treaties: China and the ...
LESSON 4 Unequal pay leaves women 369,000 worse off 知識介紹:英國男女不平等 語言簡說:《衛報》簡介 第二單元 政治體制 LESSON 5 The west's preaching to the east must stop 知識介紹:世界經濟格局重組 語言簡說:縮略詞 ...
It finds two corresponding elements unequal, and the result of their comparison is taken as the result of the comparison between sequences.No inequalities are found, but one sequence has more elements than the other, and...
, allows Husserl to trace the origin of truth up to judicative achievements (transcendental logic). Joined by several of Husserl's essays on static and genetic method, the Analyses afford a richness of description unequal...
She sees two faces unequal She knows the mirror doesn't lie When he looks at her no matter He only sees the brighter side Why should she try to Talk him out of it if the feelings fit No way of saying What ...