
英 [ˌʌndə'skɔː(r)] 美 [ˌʌndər'skɔːr] vt. 劃線於;強調;提供伴奏樂n. 下劃線;影片伴奏樂


  • 中文名:強調
  • 外文名:underscore
  • 詞性動詞,名詞
  • 類型:英語單詞


  • 1But Seto's paper does underscore the importance of managing that transition.但瀨戶的論文確實強調了管理這種轉變的重要性。
  • 2The Labour Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.勞工部的數字突出顯示了經濟復甦的不穩定。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3By default, the separator is an underscore character.在默認情況下,分隔設定是下劃線字元。
  • 4The attributes are separated by an underscore (_).屬性以下劃線(_)分隔。
  • 5Every piece is separated by an underscore instead of a dot.每一部分都由一根下劃線隔開,而不是點。
  • 6Let me underscore two of many reasons for this concern.值得擔憂的原因很多,讓我著重說明其中兩點。
  • 7The RoR naming convention is to prefix an underscore to partials.RoR 命名約定是在片段前加一個下劃線。
  • 8RoR assumes that partials are named with a leading underscore.RoR假設片段命名時使用一個前導下劃線。
  • 9Notice that you leave the underscore off when rendering a template.請注意,在呈現模板時,要去掉下劃線。
  • 10The strong numbers underscore the resilience of Chinese exports.這組數據強有力地證明了中國出口所具有的彈性。
  • 11Default the value to an underscore (" _ "); you can use any value here.默認值為一個下劃線(“ _ ”);這裡可以使用任意值。
  • 12You can separate words within the probe name using a double underscore.可以用雙下劃線分隔探測名中的單詞。
  • 13The only difference is the last case with the underscore ‘_’ wild card.唯一的區別是最後一個case 使用了下劃線'_' 通配符。
  • 14The arrow comes in later to underscore the point: Our future looks good!箭頭方向強調指出:我們的未來是美好的!
  • 15Both lessons underscore the critical importance of educating for liberty.這兩節課都強調了對自由教育的重要性。
  • 16Even questions on the national driving exam underscore the potential peril.甚至國家駕照考試里也有題目對潛在危險予以特彆強調。
  • 17Must only contain Unicode letters, underscore characters, and Unicode digits.必須只包含Unicode字母、下劃線和Unicode數字。
  • 18Merikangas said the results underscore the seriousness of eating disorders.Merikangas認為調查結果顯示了飲食失調的嚴重性。
  • 19All other characters in an identifier must be letters, digits, or the underscore.標識符的其他字元必須是字母,數字或下劃線。
  • 20Start and end each token with an underscore to prevent accidental string matches.開始和結束標記帶有下劃線用於阻止意外的字元串匹配。
  • 21The finding helps underscore the different purposes of the two kinds of laughter.這一發現有助於突出兩種笑的不同目的。
  • 22In this convention, the words in the name of a service are separated by an underscore.對於這個約定,構成服務名的單詞使用下劃線分隔。
  • 23The fires, often set by pastoralists, underscore a new threat to wildlife: habitat loss.野火通常是牧民點燃的,這對野生生物們構成了新的威脅,它們因此而失去了棲息地。
  • 24As noted earlier, if a class name begins with an underscore, it has no corresponding XML tag.正如前面提到的,如果類名以一個下劃線開始,那么它就沒有相對應的XML標記。
  • 25Both use a two character language and two character country code connected by an underscore.兩者都使用兩個字元語言代碼和兩個字元的國家代碼通過下划進行連線。
  • 26The results underscore one of the many difficulties of dieting: keeping the weight off long term.這項研究強調了減肥的諸多困難之一:長期保持體重。


