



  • 外文名:unconstitutional
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˌʌnˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənl]
  • 美式讀音:[ˌʌnˌkɑːnstɪˈtuːʃənl]


  1. ADJ If something is unconstitutional, it breaks the rules of a constitution. 違反憲法的
  2. unconstitutionally ADV 違反憲法地 [ADV with v]


  • 1Opponents denounced the law as undemocratic and unconstitutional.反對者們抨擊這項法律是不民主的、是違反憲法的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Lincoln decided that seceding from the Union was unconstitutional.林肯判定退出聯邦是違反憲法的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.最高法院一致裁定學校實施的種族隔離措施違反憲法。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4This law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on the grounds that general taxes were being collected to pay one special group of people.這項法律被最高法院宣布違憲,理由是一般的稅是被收來支付給一個特殊群體的人們的。
  • 5In signing the measure, California Governor Jerry Brown admitted that the law, which expressly classifies people on the basis of sex, is probably unconstitutional.在簽署該法案時,加州州長傑里·布朗承認,這條明確將人按照性別分類的法規很可能是違反憲法的。
  • 6The Taylor decision also declared sex discrimination in jury selection to be unconstitutional and ordered states to use the same procedures for selecting male and female jurors.泰勒的裁決還宣布在挑選陪審團成員時的性別歧視是違反憲法的,並要求各州在挑選男性和女性陪審員時採用同樣的程式。
  • 7Is the statute unconstitutional?法令違憲了嗎?
  • 8The snag is that the bill is unconstitutional.麻煩在於這項法案是違憲的。
  • 9The Supreme Court ruled the ban unconstitutional in 1996.1996年,最高法院裁定該禁令違憲。
  • 10The chairman ruled that the meeting was unconstitutional.董事長裁定該會議是違反章程的。
  • 11Not to mention the fact that it is completely unconstitutional.更別提這是完全違憲的事實。
  • 12The Orange County ordinance, too, may well be unconstitutional.橘子郡的這項法令,很有可能也是違憲的。
  • 13Now a federal judge in California has ruled it unconstitutional.目前,加州聯邦法官裁定該法違憲。
  • 14It struck down a handgun ban in Washington, DC, as unconstitutional.那么華盛頓哥倫比亞特區的禁槍法也因違憲而被廢除。
  • 15The next year the state's court of appeals ruled it unconstitutional.第二年州抗訴法院判定這種行為違法。
  • 16But the court ruled a different section, section 4, is unconstitutional.但法院裁定的是一個不同的部分,那就是第4部分違憲。
  • 17Their chief legal argument is that the new individual mandate is unconstitutional.他們主要的法律依據是,新的個人強制保險是違憲的。
  • 18Opponents of the law contend that the mandate to buy health insurance is unconstitutional.法令的反對者稱強制要求購買健康保險的命令是違憲的。
  • 19They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional.他們就規定死刑的法規是否違憲進行爭論。
  • 20This is "totally silly" and probably unconstitutional, says Joan Petersilia of Stanford Law School.史丹福大學法學院的瓊•皮特·爾斯連(Joan Petersilia)說,這簡直“蠢到家了”,而且很可能違憲。
  • 21"I think it would be a close case, but I would be surprised if it were held unconstitutional," Tuttle says.“我認為最後會銷案,但是如果違憲進行,那也可能會出乎我的意料。”塔特爾說。
  • 22FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama.第一,取消所有歐巴馬發出的違憲的決策、備忘錄和法令。
  • 23That would not be unconstitutional, but it would certainly not be the outcome desired by today's conservative warriors.這可能不違憲,但絕對不是今天的保守派鬥士們所期望看到的結果。
  • 24In case you're wondering, yes, this is illegal, in fact unconstitutional, a clear violation of the emoluments clause.不用想了,沒錯,這就是非法的,事實上是違憲的,顯然違反了薪酬條款。
  • 25California's party bosses were horrified and sued, and in 2000 the Supreme Court declared blanket primaries unconstitutional.加州的黨閥是被恐嚇和被起訴,並在2000年最高法院宣布地毯式初選違憲。
  • 26Just because it's a university rather than a construction company doesn't mean that practices otherwise unconstitutional should be permitted.僅僅因為這是所大學而非建築公司,並不意味著應該容忍違憲行為。


