加州大學伯克利分校的一個男聲無伴奏合唱學生社團,大部分表演曲目為原創歌曲(本專輯內目前包含The four letter word, High, Fluffy Bunny)。
那個組合叫noteworthy來的,有四個是亞裔(Poker face裡面只出來三個)
Noteworthy 成立於2000年秋,目前由八名本科學生組成。他們每周一下午均會在伯克利校園南門外演出,另外他們也活躍在校園內的許多重大活動中。
poker face的主唱Brian Wang(華裔)
Major: Business Administration (Intended)
Class: 2012
Year in Noteworthy: 1
Songs: None Yet
Arrangments: None Yet
Solos: Poker Face, Circus
poker face裡面一開始達拉達拉的那個:
Marcus Wong(又是華裔)
Major: Integrated Biology
Class: 2011
Year in Noteworthy: 2
Songs: None Yet
Arrangments: Disney's Mulan's "I'll Make a Man Out of You"
Solos: I wish I were, I'll Make a Man Out of You
poker face里另外一個亞裔,
Spencer Yeh(哪國血統不清楚)
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
Class: 2011
Year in Noteworthy: 3
Songs: None Yet
Arrangments: Rockapella's "Silver Bells", Poker Face
Solos: Dive
poker face里沒出來的那個:
Kevin Min(華裔)
Major: Public Health
Class: 2010
Year in Noteworthy: 1
Songs: Alien: The Musical!
Arrangments: None Yet
Solos: None Yet