Ubuntu Studio. A multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu.
Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well as professional.
Weprovidea suite of the best open-source applications available for multimedia creation. Completely free to use, modify and redistribute.Your only limitation is your imagination.
Our aimis to assemble suites of applications aimed at creative people.Suites including the best open-source applications available.
For instance, Ardour 2 - A multitrack recorder/editor geared toward people familiar with Pro-Tools.
Graphic design and modeling applications including The GIMP, Inkscape and Blender. Along with plugins like dcraw to help with RAW camera files and wacom-tools for people with Wacom drawing tablets.
PiTiVi,Kino,Cinepaint are included for video creation. We hope to provide acreative environment to people as well as give a spotlight to some amazing open-source applications.
一些國內ubuntu studio愛好者透露出的將要在一年之後更新的10.04版ubuntustudio將更名為ubuntu studiox。國內的ubuntustudio愛好者和一個設計團隊參考了最終幻想和仙劍奇俠傳四的Logo設計,並聽取了ubuntu官方論壇的、百度黃金太陽吧和/*TheUbuntu Studio*/百度俱樂部成員的意見之後設計出了ubuntu studio 10將會使用的Logo。ubuntu studio x?
據悉,ubuntu studio x將會使用GNOME+KDE雙桌面,參考了大量Archlinux、fedora、Debian與opensuse的設計靈感,同時還會完善核心,增加更多針對多媒體愛好者開發的軟體包,例如dssi-vst和wine。ubuntu studio x logo