《測不可測:大起大落的地震預測研究:the tumultuous science of earthquake prediction》是2015年3月科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是(美)蘇珊·霍夫。內容簡介 本書以豐富的歷史資料、簡潔明了的理論分析、輕鬆活潑的文筆,向讀者介紹...
[tumultuous]∶因爭論而引起的喧嚷 而不洶洶。——宋·王安石《答司馬諫議書》[surging]∶水騰湧的樣子 [agitated]∶騷亂不寧 天下洶洶,人懷危懼。——《三國演義》[violent]∶形容聲音喧鬧;亦形容聲勢盛大或兇猛的樣子 洶湧 xiōngyǒ...
《The Ultimates 3》是Marvel出版的圖書,作者是Jeph Loeb。內容簡介 A year later, who are the Ultimates? After going through the tumultuous events of the past two volumes, the Ultimates find themselves operating out of Tony...
《信約:動盪的年代》(英語:The Journey: Tumultuous Times),新加坡新傳媒私人有限公司民初電視劇,由陳泓宇、陳羅密歐、陳邦鋆、歐萱、陳鳳玲及黃思恬領銜主演,製作人為郭令送,監製為張龍敏。此劇為新傳媒在第20屆上海電視節、中國...
explanation of the war's complex origins and course, and explores its impact on a personal and international scale. It also provides an ethical reflection on the war in the context of Europe's tumultuous twentieth ...
with an introductory essay and multiple primary documents from the newspapers of the day, which illustrate both sides of the debate. This is a perfect resource for students interested in the controversial and tumultuous ...