



  • 外文名:tinned
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[tɪnd]
  • 美式發音:[tɪnd]


tinned /tɪnd/
1.ADJTinned food is food that has been preserved by being sealed in a tin. 罐裝的 [英國英語]


tinned butter 罐頭奶油
tinned brass 鍍錫黃銅 ; 銅鍍錫 ; 包錫黃銅 ; 材料
tinned joint 焊接 ; 點焊
tinned cream 罐裝奶油
tinned beef 罐頭牛肉
tinned preserves 罐頭食品
tinned sheet 鍍錫鐵片 ; 鍍錫薄板
tinned brawl 鍍錫球


  • 1Tinned meat and poultry is up 47%.聽裝肉和禽類漲了47%。
  • 2Tinned food is the least wasted.罐頭食品則是浪費最少的。
  • 3"Tinned fish". A sea monster liberated.“罐頭魚”,一隻海上的怪物被解放了。
  • 4“Tinned fish”. A sea monster liberated.“罐頭魚”,一隻海上的怪物被解放了。
  • 5We have a large stock of tinned fruit.我們有大批水果罐頭的存貨。
  • 6He stocked his shop with tinned goods.他為自己的商店貯備罐頭食品。
  • 7Do tinned fruit and fruit juice count?罐頭水果和果汁算不算?
  • 8Preservative is usually added to tinned meat.防腐劑通常加在肉類罐頭裡。
  • 9Instead, silent inertia, stale air and tinned food.恰恰相反,等待他們的將是無邊無際的寂靜、不太新鮮的空氣和日復一日的罐頭食品。
  • 10If you haven't got fresh milk, I'll take some tinned one.如果你沒有新鮮牛奶,我就來點罐頭牛奶吧。
  • 11This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial colouring.這種品牌的罐裝青豆不含人造色素。
  • 12Food which has been closed up in tins is called tinned food.密封在罐頭裡的食品叫作罐裝食品。
  • 13Alexander left the bar. He bought some tinned-food for his families.亞歷山大離開了酒吧,他給家人買了些罐裝食品。
  • 14Aymo had a basin of spaghetti with Onions and tinned meat chopped up in it.愛漠搞來了一盆子通心麵,拌著洋蔥和切碎的罐頭肉。
  • 15Because of this, tinned peaches and grapefruit are in short supply, and we cannot.此,罐裝桃子和葡萄供不應求,我們無法滿足所有顧客的需求。
  • 16The litz that I have can be easily tinned by using a hot soldering iron and solder.用電烙鐵和焊錫可以很容易的給李茲線上錫。
  • 17Some subsidiaries produce corrugated nylon tubes and tinned copper wires of every size.以及子公司生產的尼龍波紋管和各種規格的度錫銅絲產品。
  • 18He had abundant stocks of tinned food, fuel, and water with which to survive the winter.他擁有大量的罐制食品,燃料,以及用來過冬的水。
  • 19We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun.我們發現在持久戰中,食物是比機關槍更有效的武器。
  • 20Tinned tomatoes are up by 30% over the period, tinned beans by 42% and rice, grains and pulses by 55%.聽裝番茄幾年間漲了30%,聽裝豆子漲了42%,大米,穀物和乾豆漲了55%。
  • 21In this paper, the separation of tin cladding from tinned copper wires and its recovery are investigated.本文採用置換反應方法除去廢銅線表面的錫鍍層,對回收錫的工藝進行了探索。
  • 22Bright food makes dairy products, ice-cream, tinned food, sweets, honey products and rice wine but no biscuits.光明食品旗下有很多種產品:奶製品、冰激凌、罐頭食品、糖果、蜂蜜製品、米酒等等,就是沒有餅乾。
  • 23High sugar content snacks include dessert soup, cakes, chocolate, soft drinks, sweetened juices and tinned fruit etc.高糖類零食包括甜粥、蛋糕、朱古力、軟飲料、加糖果汁和水果罐頭等。
  • 24In Britain Aldi used to be known for tinned and packaged foods, but has introduced fresh and delicatessen products.英國的Aldi以前是以罐裝食品和包裝食品出名,但它已經引入了新鮮的產品和熟食。
  • 25But, of the average tinned or glass packed strawberry jam, you need half a cupful to get the idea of what you're eating.但是一般的罐頭或瓶裝草毒醬你得吃上半茶杯才知道自己吃的是什麼。
  • 26Read the food labels if you buy tinned, processed produce to be aware of how much salt, sugar and fat is in the food you buy.如果你購買了罐頭,請務必閱讀食物標籤、加工程式必須知道在你買的食品中有多少鹽、糖和脂肪。


