- 外文名:theosophical
- 英式讀音:[θi'əsɒfɪkl]
- 美式讀音:[θi'əsɒfɪkl]
- 詞性:形容詞
The Theosophical Review Volume . 33, 194 《The Theosophical Review Volume . 33, 194》是一本圖書,作者是Society, Theosophical。
神諭的 Delphic ; pythonic ; Delphian ; Delphian Delphic oracular pythonic 接神論的 theosophic 神授的 given 雙語例句 Helena petrovna blavatsky founder of the theosophic al society was a huge bulwer-lytton fan and may have...
The Theosophical Review, Volume 35, Issue 209...《The Theosophical Review, Volume 35, Issue 209...》是THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY所著的圖書。
氏於西元1873年在斯里蘭卡見顧那難陀(Mohotiwatte Gunananda),與基督教傳教士進行辯論,深受顧那難陀感動。1875年與布拉瓦斯基夫人(Madame Blavatsky,1831~1891)在紐約創設神智協會(Theosophical Society),擔任會長。1880年氏再度赴...
同時參與由布拉瓦斯基夫人及歐爾卡特(Col. Olcott)上校創辦的神智協會(The Theosophical Society)。除創辦神智協會會刊《Leadbeater》之外,又創辦《佛教徒》(The Buddhist)周刊。1889年,與歐爾卡特應邀訪問日本。1891年,與日僧興然...
十三歲時由“通神學會”(Theosophical Society)領養。“通神學會”一直宣揚“世界導師”(World teacher)的再臨(東方的“彌勒下生”),並且認為他就是這個再來的“世師”。他很快就成為堅強無畏、難以歸類的導師。他的言論和著作...
today. The movement in Russia has been heavily influenced by the legacy of Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich, who taught in the Theosophical tradition. Another former Theosophist, Rudolf Steiner and his anthroposophical ...
他們首先在科倫坡成立了“佛教靈智學會”(Buddhist Theosophical Society),學會的宗旨是促進世界各宗教間的和平友好,及保衛宗教不受壓迫。學會先後開辦了很多學校,教授英語和僧伽羅語,讓佛教徒的子弟就讀。奧爾科特上校見錫蘭民眾多數是...
Theosophical Society 神智學協會 1875年 二十世紀 Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis Cultus Sabbati Fraternitas Saturni Fraternity of the Inner Light FUDOSI and FUDOFSI Illuminates of Thanateros Ophite Cultus Satanas Sangreal ...
Re-Inventing Antiquity V. Esotericism in the Confessional Age VI. Esotericism, Enlightenment, and Science VII. Institutionalized Esotericism: Secret Societies VIII. Preparing the Path to Modern Esotericism: The Theosophical Socie...
Leo founded the Astrological Lodge of the Theosophical Society in 1915. The Lodge thrived and became a permanent part of the society. His success in creating popular interest in astrology was such that he was prosecuted...