The Coast Hotel位於頭頓,是家3星級酒店。...... 在The Coast Hotel,您可在餐廳享用到傳統的頭頓美食。酒店為您提供免費的停車服務。如果您有特殊要求,酒店還提供...
Fear the truth you found;burn it to the ground.There's more to find,it's a long drive to the coast.Become the host;...
I wake up to the city of angelsTo see my name headlining the coastThey say I'm a walking dreamer, babyIf I stop they would make the show...
coast-to-coast pass:大角傳球;從球場的一端傳到另一端。 例句:Hill got the coast-to-coast pass from Nash and finished with a lay up. 希爾接到納什的...
萬智牌(Magic The Gathering)是1993年由美國數學教授理查·加菲設計,並經由威世智(Wizards Of The Coast)公司發行的世界上第一款集換式卡牌遊戲(TCG)。...
7 Up The River Maurice Jarre 8 Allie's Theme Maurice Jarre 9 The Mosquito Coast Maurice Jarre 參考資料 1. 蚊子海岸演員 .電影網[引用日期2015-05-22]...
威世智(又名:海岸巫師)(Wizards of the Coast)公司。位於西雅圖Emerald City。收購了TSR公司,代理龍與地下城遊戲。...
《接近海岸的快艇》 [1] (Yacht Approaching the Coast)是英國浪漫主義風景畫家,著名的水彩畫家和油畫家約瑟夫·瑪羅德·威廉·透納約在1840~1845年間創作的油畫...
A young woman inherits her family's historic home on the coast of Brittany, a house she has not been to since her father died there when she ...