- 外文名:syncrude
- 詞性:名詞、形容詞
- 英式發音:['sinkru:d]
- 釋義:合成原油|合成原油的
syncrude industry 煤煉油工業
Syncrude Tailings Dam 辛克魯德尾礦大壩
Syncrude Canada Ltd 德有限公司 ; 加拿大油砂作業公司
Syncrude Crude Oil 原油
Syncrude Canada Ltd Fort McMurry 加拿大
It is where seven of the top ten polluters of the country is located, including Syncrude and Suncor.全國十大污染企業中有7個在該省,包括辛克魯德和森科能源公司。
Other potential sales: the company's 9% stake in its oil sands venture Syncrude and its 50% ownership in the Flying J truck stop chain.還有可能出售:在沙油項目Syncrude中9%的股份,以及在卡車連鎖休息站飛J公司中50%的股份。
This paper records and narrates the rise and decline of producing syncrude from coal in China in the hope that it might be used as reference for the future development of China's petroleum industry.該文記敘了中國煤煉油工業的興衰過程,以期能對中國石油工業的未來發展提供一些借鑑。