



  • 外文名:sustain
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 英式音標:[səˈsteɪn]
  • 美式音標:[səˈsteɪn]


英 [səˈsteɪn] 美 [səˈsteɪn]
v. 維持,保持;維持……的生命;遭受,經受;(在體力或精神方面)支持,支撐;承受住……的重量;證實,證明;認可,贊成,確認;(演員)充分表演(角色,人物),扮演
n. (樂)延音
[ 第三人稱單數 sustains 現在分詞 sustaining 過去式 sustained 過去分詞 sustained ]


Difficult to sustain 難以為繼
Sustain Momentum 持續動力
Sustain Pedal 延音踏板 ; 音踏板
sustain losses 遭受損失
High Sustain 持久力高 ; 特點持久力高
keep sustain 維持
Sustain Button 持續按鈕
sustain punch 這個不知道怎么翻譯 ; 有誰知道


  • 1Which planets can sustain life?哪些行星可以維持生命的存在?《牛津詞典》
  • 2The ice will not sustain your weight.這冰承受不了你的體重。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.他們從經濟作物中得到的那些現金紅利能支撐他們度過歉收季節。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The pillars sustain the roof of the pit.坑道頂用柱子支撐著。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5It takes a great deal of effort to sustain.這需要付出很大的努力來維持。
  • 6Some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles.其中的一些小型哺乳動物有助於維持金鷹等大型鳥類的生存。
  • 7The food supplies necessary to sustain the large vent communities, however, must be many times the ordinary fallout.然而,維持大型火山口群落所需的食物供應量必須是普通沉降物的數倍。
  • 8This allows them to produce massive crops of fruit, flowers and foliage that sustain much of the animal life in the forest.這使得他們能夠生產大量的水果、鮮花和樹葉,以維持森林中大部分動物的生命。
  • 9These should be the area of concentration for researchers to locate and protect those regions as a way to sustain coral reefs.這些區域是研究人員應該定位並保護的中心區域,這是維持珊瑚礁群的一種方法。
  • 10To compete effectively in international markets, a nation's businesses must sustain investment in intangible as well as physical assets.為了在國際市場上有效地競爭,一個國家的企業必須維持對無形資產和有形資產的投資。
  • 11Some of her clients' sales have declined, but she's found new clients and improved efficiencies to help sustain the company's double-digit growth.她的一些客戶的銷售額下降了,但她找到了新客戶,提高了效率,幫助公司維持了兩位數的增長。
  • 12It was these conditions that allowed an elite to emerge, probably as an organizing class, and to sustain itself through the control of surplus crops.正是在這樣的條件下,誕生了可能充當管理階層的精英階層,通過控制餘糧維持自身。
  • 13The answer is that the economic indicators have a basic fault: they show no difference between resource uses that sustain progress and those uses that will hurt it.答案是,這些經濟指標有一個基本的錯誤:它們沒有顯示出維持進步的資源使用與會損害進步的資源使用之間的區別。
  • 14The most loyal customers would still get the product they favor, the idea goes, and they'd feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in.這種想法是,最忠誠的顧客們仍然願意買他們喜歡的產品,還會覺得自己在幫助他們所信任的產品維持質量。
  • 15Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund, with the intention to sustain the state's economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.阿拉斯加定期將出售石油的部分利潤存入一個特別基金,目的是在石油儲備耗盡後維持該州的經濟。
  • 16The evidence is not detailed enough to sustain his argument.這一證據過於籠統,不足以證明他的論點。《牛津詞典》
  • 17There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.這些人的生活充滿戲劇性,使人不斷產生興趣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 18She managed to sustain everyone's interest until the end of her speech.她使每個人興趣盎然,一直聽她把話講完。《牛津詞典》
  • 19For a start, they sustain countless other species.首先,它們養活了無數其他物種。
  • 20The problem is that such an impulse is hard to sustain.問題是,這種衝動很難保持。
  • 21Group exercise is one of the most effective ways to sustain a healthy lifestyle.團體運動是保持健康生活最有效的方法之一。
  • 22Speakers may be unable to sustain speech to complete the task and may rely heavily on repetition of the prompt.發言者可能無法持續講話來完成任務,並嚴重依賴反覆提示。
  • 23As the honeybee's stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury.由於蜜蜂的毒刺有深深的倒鉤,使其停留在插入的位置,因此蜜蜂在蟄人的時候就會受到致命的傷害。
  • 24The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planet's environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means.其觀點是,我們正在以一種超過使其可持續的額度從我們稱為“地球環境銀行”的賬戶餘額中提現;我們的生活已經超出了我們的生態的承受能力。
  • 25When our Sun later became hotter, the continued removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane by early bacteria kept Earth's climate from becoming too hot to sustain life.當我們的太陽後來溫度變得更高時,早期細菌持續清除大氣中的二氧化碳和甲烷,使地球的氣候不至於變得太熱而無法維持生命的存在。
  • 26Managers usually love people who can self-sustain and enable growth through taking initiative, who are strong at following through their work, and who bring ideas and solutions to the table.經理們通常喜歡那些能夠自持並且主動成長的人,那些善於跟進工作的人,以及能提出想法和解決方案的人。
  • 27A "town of culture" could be not just about the arts but about honouring a town's peculiarities—helping sustain its high street, supporting local facilities and above all celebrating its people.一個“文化之城”並不只是關乎藝術,同時還要尊重城市的特色——維護其商業街,支持當地的設施建設,最重要的是,頌揚當地人民。
  • 28Silybum marianum has an obvious function to protect and sustain liver cell membrane.水飛薊提取物有明顯的保護和穩定肝細胞膜的作用。
  • 29Silybum marianum has an obvious function to protect and sustain liver cell membrane, which can be used for many diseases.水飛薊提取物有明顯的保護和穩定肝細胞膜的作用,用於治療多種疾病。
  • 30Somehow, we have got to sustain that.不管怎樣,我們必須維持這種。


