| 伊迪絲·華頓Edith Wharton
| 英語English
| 1917
作者伊迪絲·華頓Edith Wharton將小說Summer的背景與另外一部小說設立在當時的新英格蘭New England。作者因擅長描寫紐約上層社會生活而聞名。該小說描述了女主人公Charity的性意識覺醒。文中其實還有許多和作者其他小說相似的情節,比如Ethan Frome。
Summer is a novel by Edith Wharton published in 1917 by Charles Scribner's Sons. The story is one of only two novels by Wharton to be set in New England; Wharton was best known for her portrayals of upper class New York society. The novel details the sexual awakening of its protagonist, Charity Royall, and her cruel treatment by the father of her child, and shares many plot similarities with Wharton's better known novel, Ethan Frome. Only moderately well-received when originally published, Summer has had a resurgence in critical popularity since the 1960s.
Charity Royall- 出生在一個貧困的山區環境,在五歲的時候被Royall律師先生“從山上帶下來”。她的生母是個妓女。當Charity18歲的時候,喝醉酒的Royall律師先生闖進她的臥室,想要她嫁給他。但她
圖書館謀得一個圖書管理員的職位。這也是Charity後來遇到令她著迷的Lucius Harney的地方。
Charity Royall – Born in an impoverished mountain community, Charity was “brought down from the mountain” at age five by Lawyer Royall. Her mother had been a prostitute. When she is 18, a drunken Mr. Royall intrudes into her bedroom, prompting her to marry him. Mr. Royall helps her procure the position of town librarian, in spite of her lack of education. It is in the library where she meets the learned Lucius Harney.
Lawyer Royall – 作為North Dormer最偉大的人物,Royall律師先生在Charity五歲的時候成為了她的
監護人。他曾經兩次向她求婚。當他發現Charity和Lucius Harney的戀情時,強迫Lucius Harney要娶她。
Lawyer Royall – Known as the biggest man in North Dormer, Lawyer Royall became Charity’s guardian at age five. He twice proposes to marry her, and offers to force Harney into marrying her after discovering their affair.
Lucius Harney –最初是為了來North Dormer描繪老房子的他,遇上了Charity並和她開始了戀情,並成功地欺騙了Charity他已和交際花Annabel Balch訂婚的訊息。
Lucius Harney – He came to North Dormer to sketch some old houses and starts an affair with Charity Royall, the entire time successfully hiding the fact that he is engaged to society girl Annabel Balch.
Summer tells the story of a young woman’s sexual awakening. Eighteen-year-old Charity Royall is bored in the small town of North Dormer. She is a librarian and ward of North Dormer’s premier citizen, Lawyer Royall. While working at the library, Charity meets visiting architect Lucius Harney.
Summer為大眾展現了一個年輕女人性意識覺醒的歷程。18歲的Charity Royall出生在一個名為North Dormer的小鎮,她是鎮上圖書館的管理員同時也是鎮上大人物Royall律師先生的被監護人。當她在圖書館工作時,遇上了來此處參觀建築的Lucius Harney先生。
When Harney’s cousin Miss Hatchard, with whom he is boarding, leaves the village, Harney becomes Mr. Royall’s boarder, and Charity his companion while he explores old houses for a book on colonial houses he is preparing. Mr. Royall notices their growing closeness and tries to put a stop to it by telling Harney he can no longer accommodate him in his house. Harney makes it appear as though he left town, but only moves to a nearby village and continues to communicate with Charity.
當Lucius Harney先生的堂姐(或是表姐)Miss Hatchard離開村子的時候,Lucius Harney先生就寄宿在Royall律師先生屋檐下,同時Charity成為了他為了撰寫一本殖民地建築書籍而走訪每一處古建築的同伴。
On a trip to Nettleton, Harney kisses Charity for the first time, and buys her a present, a blue brooch. Afterwards they run into a drunken Mr. Royall, accompanied by prostitutes. Mr. Royall verbally abuses Charity, and Charity becomes overwhelmed with shame. Charity and Harney begin a sexual relationship after the trip to Nettleton.
在去Nettleton的路上,Lucius Harney先生第一次吻了Charity,並買了一個藍色的胸針送給她做禮物。之後他們遇見了喝醉酒的Royall律師先生,同行的還有一堆交際花。Royall律師先生用言語羞辱了Charity,這使得Charity徹底地被羞恥所填滿。禍不單行,在這條旅途上,Charity和Lucius Harney先生發生了關係。
During North Dormer’s Old Home Week, Charity sees Harney with Annabel Balch, a society girl she envies. After the dance, Charity as usual goes to the small house where she meets up with Harney. Mr. Royall suddenly shows up and, when Harney arrives, Mr. Royall asks him if that is where he intends to live after he marries Charity.
在North Dormer的返鄉節中,Charity看見了Lucius Harney先生和交際花Annabel Balch在一起,這使她感到妒火中燒。在舞會後,Charity照常跑去之前他們經常見面的地方等待Lucius Harney先生,誰知Royall律師先生卻突然間出現。當Lucius Harney先生來到時,Royall律師先生詢問Lucius Harney先生這裡是否就是他們兩個打算結婚之後住的房子。
After an angry Mr. Royall leaves, Harney promises Charity that he is going to marry her, but that he has to go away for a while first.
憤怒之餘Royall律師先生便離去了,Lucius Harney先生承諾Charity他將會娶她,但是他必須先離開一陣子。
After Harney has left, Charity’s friend Ally lets slip that she saw Harney leave town with Annabel Balch. Ally says that Harney and Annabel are engaged to be married. Charity writes a letter to Harney telling him to do the right thing and marry Annabel.
Lucius Harney先生離開後,Charity的朋友Ally透露說她曾經見到Lucius Harney先生帶著Annabel Balch離開了鎮裡。Ally說 Annabel Balch和Lucius Harney先生訂婚了。Chartiy寫了封信告訴Lucius Harney先生他應該做正確的事情並娶 Annabel Balch。
Charity has been feeling unwell, so she goes to Dr. Merkle (a plump woman with small bright eyes, an immense mass of black hair coming down low on her forehead, and unnaturally white and even teeth), who confirms her suspicion that she is pregnant. After the examination Dr. Merkle charges five dollars, and Charity, not having enough money to cover it, has to leave the brooch Harney gave her. When she gets home she reads a letter from Harney, stating that he will do his best for them to be together.
Charity感到不舒服於是便去見了Merkle醫生(一個小藍眼睛的胖女人,有一頭濃密的黑頭髮,深深的劉海,看起來相當不自然的平整的白牙齒),這個醫生確認了Charity懷疑自己懷孕的想法。Merkle醫生向Charity要了五美元的診費,但是因為不夠錢,Charity就把Lucius Harney先生送給她的藍色胸針押在診所里,隻身離開了。當她回到家裡,讀了Lucius Harney先生的來信,信中說他會採取最好的行動使他們兩人能夠在一起。
Charity makes her way to the mountain, intending to look for her mother. On the way she sees the minister, Mr. Miles, and her friend Liff Hyatt. They are on their way up the mountains because Charity’s mother is dying. When they arrive, Charity’s mother has already died, and they bury her.
Charity費盡一切心思上山見她生母,在路上遇見了Miles牧師先生和他的朋友Liff Hyatt。他們正往山上趕著因為Charity的生母就快要死了。當他們到達時,Charity的生母已經死了,他們只好安葬了她。
Charity stays on the mountain overnight, where she sees the object poverty and resolves not to raise her child there. She decides that she is going to be a prostitute, and with the money she earns she will hire someone to take care of her child. En route, she meets Mr. Royall, who has come to pick her up. Mr. Royall offers to marry her.
After Charity marries Mr. Royall in Nettleton, she realizes that he knows she is pregnant, and that is why he married her. He gives her forty dollars to buy clothes, and she goes to Dr. Merkle to get her brooch back. Dr. Merkle has heard of her marriage to Mr. Royall, and refuses to return the brooch for less than forty dollars. Rather than paying the money, Charity quickly grabs the brooch and rushes from the office (in a few editions of the novel, she leaves the money on Dr. Merkle's table and grabs the brooch).
She returns to Lawyer Royall's and writes to Harney, telling him that she has married Mr. Royall and has returned to North Dormer.
她回到Royall律師先生身邊並寫信告訴Lucius Harney先生她嫁給Royall律師先生的事實,然後和Royall律師先生一起回到了North Dormer。