adv. 概要地;立刻;概略地
I only read the article summarily. 我只是簡單地看了看那篇文章。
The proposal was summarily dismissed. 那項建議當即遭到拒絕。
Please give your views summarily . 請把你的看法概括地講一講。
Please explain the main points summarily. 請扼要地說明大意。
He was summarily expelled from the national team. 他很快被開除出國家隊。
They were summarily ejected by the security guard. 他們立刻被保全趕了出來。
Thorgerson and Powell summarily became the best-known cover artists of all time. 桑格森和鮑威爾立即成為了史上最知名的封面藝術家。
On this basis, the architecture, data flow and user interface is summarily designed. 在此基礎之上,對系統體系結構、數據流程和用戶界面等進行了概要設計。
This paper has summarily described the actuality and history of innovation management. 對全球性技術管理研究現狀與歷史演變進行了概括性的描述。
On the foundation, the section produced summarily content, route and method, and so on. 在此基礎上,概要地介紹了本研究的內容、思路和方法等。
Summarily, the use of FPGA device simplifies the system design and improves the performance. 通過對FPGA器件的使用,簡化了系統設計,提高了系統的性能。
In Menzoberranzan, anyone suspected of worshiping any god but Lloth was summarily put to death. 在魔索布萊,任何被懷疑崇拜羅絲以外的其他神靈的人,都會立刻處死。
Summarily, good real estate letters can help you increase your business and put money in the bank. 簡易程式,良好的房地產信,可以幫助你提高你的業務,並把錢存於銀行。
The production methods are summarily introduced for making spherical cast tungsten carbide powder. 介紹了國內外近年來的球形鑄造碳化鎢生產方法。
The basic ability that introduced Chinese highway waterage summarily and the main challenge that face. 概要介紹了中國公路水路運輸的基本能力和面臨的主要挑戰。
Motives often have to be guessed, and important players enter and exit summarily, without introduction. 很多時候我們需要揣度她落筆的動機,其中的重要人物匆忙地登場退場,沒有給予介紹。
Instead of an old book, they found the now dead, balding, short-tailed rat, which they summarily removed. 房間沒有老書,她們發現了已經死掉、禿毛斷尾的老鼠,並很快做了處理。
This paper introduces the status quo of network attack classification summarily, and the trend is analysed. 概要介紹了國內外關於網路攻擊分類技術的研究現狀,並對其發展趨勢進行了分析。
In the stretch, Speckled Band broke stride, galloped home madly, was summarily disqualified and placed fourth. 在最後關頭,斑點帶子邁著大步,瘋狂地奔回家,它立刻被取消資格,只能名列第四。
People who have been trafficked should not be detained, charged, prosecuted or summarily deported, she stressed. 被販賣的人不應該被拘留、指控、起訴、或被草率地驅逐出境,她強調。
Disign principle, structure and size of steel mould bamboo plywood form and bamboo plywood form are presented summarily. 本文綜述了鋼竹模板和竹膠板模板的設計原則、模板結構、模板規格及計算方法。
By describing video story structure as a storyboard and sequence structure graph, video content can be browsed summarily. 通過把視頻故事結構表達為故事板和時序結構圖,實現了對視頻內容的概要性瀏覽。
In this paper, the requirement and the imaged relation for usual Optical system in the laser instrument is described summarily. 本文概述在雷射儀器中常用光學系統的要求和成象關係。
The nine justices can refuse to consider a case, accept a case for oral argument, or decide the case summarily without a hearing. 九位法官可以拒絕審理一個案件,可以受理案件並進行口頭辯論,還可以不經過聽證粗略地對案件進行裁決。
Summarily, this new melt crystallization technology for purifying the octyl phenol has a good foreground of industrial application. 因此本文開發的辛基酚熔融結晶精製提純技術具有很好的工業化價值。
Earlier this year, a newspaper editor made the mistake of printing a blunt critique of puritan religious beliefs, and was summarily fired. 今年早些時候,一名報紙編輯刊登了一篇抨擊清教徒信仰的評論文章,這一錯誤舉動立即導致他被辭退。
Development of the total temperature isopleths reflects summarily the process of the accumulation, the expansion and the release of strain. 總溫度等值線的系列演變圖概略地反映出了應變能的積聚擴展釋放的全過程。
The communication can summarily introduce fewer or additional channels, or a channel that is not parallel, to emphasize his desired message. 在傳播中可以引入或多或少的通道,或者不平行的通道來強調傳者所要傳遞的信息。