



  • 外文名:stumble
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 單詞發音:英 [ˈstʌmbl] 美 [ˈstʌmbl]
  • 性質:英語單詞


stumble e 絆倒 ; 跌跌撞撞 ; 犯錯誤 ; 結結巴巴地說
stumble onto 偶然找到
stumble detail 結結巴巴地說


  • 1I hope you don't stumble over any event during the holiday.我希望您不要絆倒在假期中的任何事件上。
  • 2She whirled suddenly, one arm reaching for something near her side but failed, and it made her stumble.她突然轉動身子,一隻胳膊伸向身邊,似乎想抓住什麼但沒抓到,這讓她絆了一跤。
  • 3The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble.她突然兩腿發軟踉蹌了一下。《牛津詞典》
  • 4I make it into the darkness with only one stumble.我只踉蹌了一下就把它弄進了黑暗中。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector.他們跌跌撞撞地穿過一座鬼城,那裡住著一個潑皮無賴的掘金者。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6I came up this backwater to try and get a moment's peace, and then stumble upon you fellows!我來到這水河汊,想要得到片刻的安寧,卻偶遇了你們這些傢伙!
  • 7We all need to forgive others, because we all stumble and fall and require help from others after failure.我們都需要諒解他人,因為我們都會犯錯、跌到,並在失敗後尋求他人的幫助。
  • 8Q: How did you stumble upon Kanban?Q:你是怎么發現看板方法的呢?
  • 9So how did Google stumble so badly?那么,谷歌怎么摔了這么重的一記跟頭呢?
  • 10So how did he stumble upon the idea?他怎么突然間會有這種想法?
  • 11Stumble or slump?蹣跚而行還是一蹶不振?
  • 12Stumble or fall?暫時絆倒還是隕落?
  • 13Where we stumble is usually in the execution.在實際操作中我們還是經常被問題絆倒。
  • 14At some point the consumer is bound to stumble.到某種程度時,消費者注定不堪重負。
  • 15In a moment he stumble into a trap, set by bear-catcher.不一會兒他絆跌到捕熊人設的陷阱里。
  • 16My habit is to stumble into the bathroom and go pee.我的習慣是到廁所解個手,沖水,洗手,然後看一下鏡中醜陋的我。
  • 17JUST when the finishing line was in sight, a stumble.終點線在望,卻遇到了絆腳石。
  • 18"Courage, Brother, do not stumble" was particularly popular.當時最流行的歌是“兄弟,不要跌倒,鼓起勇氣來!”
  • 19For years, HP has been plagued by stumble after stumble.多年來,惠普一直失誤不斷。
  • 20It may stumble for cultural reasons, as it did in Germany.它也會受到文化差異的掣肘,就像在德國一樣。
  • 21Every now and then, I stumble across an old list of goals.時不時的,我還會發現以前的目標列表。
  • 22I didn’t stumble on books I liked until my second pregnancy.直到我第二次懷孕的時候我才偶然遇到我喜歡的書。
  • 23You may well stumble onto some very useful information indeed.你很可能找到一些非常有用的信息。
  • 24In some respects, this stumble reflects gaming's new popularity.從某些方面上講,這種起起伏伏反映了遊戲的一種新的歡迎度。
  • 25At Stanford University, researchers stumble on a possible answer.在史丹福大學,研究人員偶然在一個可能的答案。


