- 外文名:structuralism
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈstrʌktʃərəlɪzəm]
- 美式發音:[ˈstrʌktʃərəlɪzəm]
1.N-COUNT A structuralist is someone whose work is based on structuralism. 結構主義者 2.ADJStructuralist is used to refer to people and things that are connected with structuralism. 結構主義的 [ADJ n]短語搭配 structurali...
結構主義(Structuralism)教學理論以結構主義教育理論及皮亞傑結構主義心理學為理論基礎。它是蘇聯於1957年發射第一顆人造地球衛星後產生的,對當代國際教學理論及實踐有重要影響的教學理論。主要代表人物 (美)布魯納(J.S.Bruner),布魯納...
皮亞傑結構主義(Piaget’s structuralism)是指一種研究事物的科學方法。日內瓦學派的重要思想之一。結構概念在心理學中已有悠久歷史,但真正系統地將結構主義引進心理學的首推皮亞傑。它有早年接受符茲堡學派和格式塔學派影響的思想淵源,也...
4 Structuralism 5 Cognitive Anthropology 6 Kinship 7 Color Part 4 Relativism;Cultural and Linguistic Constraints on Mind 8 On Relativist Understanding 9 Models and Metaphors 10 Linguistic Relativity and the Boasian Tradition 11...
在後現代主義或後結構主義(post-structuralism)的理論背景之下,電影領域的意識形態批評(ideological critique)與1970年《電影手冊》編輯部發表的運用意識形態電影理論分析影片的經典批評文章《約翰·福特的〈青年林肯〉》密不可分。發展史 ...
Poststructuralism PsvchoanalVtic Criticism Structuralism Chronology References GeneralIndex Index ofWorks Cited 作者簡介 Julian Hanna,is a lecturer in the English department at the University of British Columbia, where he teaches...
Part I Structuralism Chapter 1 Saussure; Father of Modern Linguistics 1.1 Ferdinand de Saussure 1.2 Nature of the linguistic sign 1.3 The relational nature of language units 1.4 Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations 1...
Chapter Five The Artist: Structuralism and Semiotics Criticism 1. The Artist (2011) : lntertextual Relation to the Classics 2. Linguistic Roots 3. Patterns and Experiences 4. Structuralism in Literary Theory 5. Peirce and...