







Hudson Strait哈得遜海峽 ; 哈德遜海峽 ;
George Strait喬治·斯特雷特 ; 喬治史崔特 ; 喬治·斯雀特 ; 喬治·史崔特
Bering Strait白令海峽 ; 表演者 ;


  • 1An estimated 1,600 vessels pass through the strait annually.估計每年有1600艘船經過這個海峽。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea.葉門完全控制著紅海南端的海峽。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond.這座房子有很棒的景觀,可以看到喬治亞海峽以及另一頭的落基山脈。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The idea for a bridge across the strait had been around for many years.建一座跨海峽大橋的想法已經有很多年了。
  • 5Van Diemen's Land is not joined to Australia, but is divided from it by the wide strait to which Bass's name is now so justly given.范迪門斯地並不與澳洲大陸接壤,而是通過一個一個寬闊的海峽與之隔海相望,這個海峽日後被恰當地命名為“巴斯海峽”。
  • 6The cascades of water from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean were not as spectacular as the crustal adjustments and faulting that occurred when the Strait of Gibraltar was connected to those seas.從大西洋流向地中海的瀑布不像直布羅陀海峽連線那些海洋時發生的地殼調整和斷層運動那樣壯觀。
  • 7As a result of crustal adjustments and faulting, the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean now connects to the Atlantic, opened, and water cascaded spectacularly back into the Mediterranean.由於地殼調整和斷層作用,直布羅陀海峽打開了,海水一舉瀉入地中海,十分壯觀。直布羅陀海峽現在是地中海與大西洋的連線處。
  • 8Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island.渡船定時穿越狹窄的海峽駛向海島。《牛津詞典》
  • 9He was criticized for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded.他被批評為乏味、古板守舊及心胸狹窄。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10But was there one major wave of migration across the Bering Strait into the Americas, or several?但是有沒有一次或幾次大移民浪潮是穿過白令海峽到達美洲的呢?
  • 11From this evidence it was deduced that there had been three major waves of migration across the Bering Strait.從這個證據可以推斷,橫跨白令海峽的大型移民潮曾經有過三次。
  • 12We will transit the strait at night.我們將在夜間通過那個海峽。
  • 13Our ship is cleaving her way through the strait.我們的船正乘風破浪通過海峽。
  • 14It takes about seven hours across the Strait of Dover.橫渡多佛海峽需要7個小時左右。
  • 15Alaska is just across the Bering Strait from Russia.阿拉斯加穿過白令海峽與俄羅斯相連。
  • 16Thank goodness, I finally went through the strait with his AIDS.謝天謝地,最後,在他的幫助下,我熬了過來。
  • 17We spilled 25,000 barrels of oil into the Strait of Hormuz, by Iraq.我們在伊拉克那邊的荷姆茲海峽泄漏了25000桶石油。
  • 18A cargo ship plies the Strait of Georgia off Vancouver, British Columbia.一艘貨船駛離不列顛哥倫比亞省的溫哥華,正在行駛在喬治亞海峽中。
  • 19And sandy beaches may return to the Elwha's delta in the Juan DE Fuca Strait.胡安德福卡海峽的愛爾華三角洲或許會沙灘重現。
  • 20They are measuring the sea ice in the Greenland Sea, Fram Strait and Arctic Ocean.他們測量的地點在北冰洋弗拉姆海峽格陵蘭島海冰區域。
  • 21It is now drifting in a remote area called the Nares Strait between Greenland and Canada.它現在遠遠的漂流在格林蘭和加拿大之間一個叫做納勒斯海峽的區域。
  • 22Meanwhile, Exxon and its partners have just sent their first oil across the Tatar Strait.與此同時,美孚公司和它的合作夥伴們也已經將第一批石油輸送過了韃靼海峽。
  • 23Indeed, Washington's mistake is in not taking a clear side in the cross-Strait dispute.事實上,華盛頓方面反得的最大的錯誤在於在兩岸爭端中沒有一個明確的態度。
  • 24I am willing to once again declare that the door of cross-strait negotiation is wide open.我本人願意再次宣示,兩岸對話與協商的大門永遠是敞開的。
  • 25"Try sticking a walnut in your mouth and then biting on it. It's not so easy," Strait says.“嘗試把一顆核桃塞進嘴裡,然後咬一咬。咬碎沒那么容易,”斯特雷特說。
  • 26Singapore seems to have gone from strait-laced container port to gambling mecca in one bound.新加坡似乎已從一個傳統的貨櫃港口城市一躍成為了賭徒們的聖地。
  • 27This small free trade market in Xiamen city, is a major place for cross strait sales exchanges.廈門這個小自由貿易市場是兩岸銷售交易的一個主要場所。


