



  • 外文名:straighten
  • 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈstreɪtn]美[ˈstreɪtn]




straighten out結清 ; 扯平 ; 改正 ; 糾正錯誤
straighten legs伸直腿
Straighten Text弄直文本
Straighten Corners將角拉直
s straighten整頓
straighten force矯直力
Straighten Stretcher直線牽引
Straighten Rollers矯正滾輪
To straighten弄直


  • 1I need time to straighten out my finances.我需要時間清理一下我的財務。《牛津詞典》
  • 2This is my job, to straighten up, to file things.這就是我的工作,整理東西,把東西歸檔。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Straighten both legs until they are fully extended.使雙腿挺直,直到他們完全伸展開。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things.他想同他安排一次約會以理清幾件事情。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5I was able to straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting on my shoulders.我站直身子,巨大的南瓜在我的肩膀上。
  • 6A burst of laughter made him straighten himself and look round.一陣笑聲使他挺直身子,向四周看了看。
  • 7He always stayed after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor.放學後他總是留下來把椅子擺整齊,然後拖地。
  • 8He hasn't come round yet. Could you try and straighten him out?他一時想不通, 你開導開導他好嗎?《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9Best straighten up for a longer legacy.最好的整頓較長的遺產。
  • 10Straighten the right leg vertically.豎直地將右腿伸直。
  • 11Did he straighten up?他振作起來了嗎?
  • 12State determined to straighten out the real estate market.國家下決心整頓房產市場。
  • 13Straighten him out; he perhaps misunderstood what I said.向他解釋清楚,他也許誤解了我的意思。
  • 14Straighten out these distortions and the picture is grim.澄清這些扭曲和圖片是嚴酷的。
  • 15To straighten up, imagine that your head is touching the sky.直坐,想像著頭頂觸摸著天空。
  • 16Use a nail file to further straighten and even out the edges.用指甲銼修一修指甲的邊緣。
  • 17Trying to straighten this out would be tedious and error prone.試圖弄清楚這一點很單調乏味,而且容易出錯。
  • 18Try not to lean against anything and straighten out your spine (back).試著不要倚靠任何東西,挺直你的背部。
  • 19The boy with his back to the camera began to straighten up; he was turning.背衝著攝像機的那個男青年直起身來;他就要轉身了。
  • 20They thought that a low hum might straighten out those bent cochlear hairs.她們認為,一種低音或許可以使那些呈彎曲狀態的纖毛恢復直立狀態。
  • 21Gently straighten the leg and, keeping it straight, draw it in towards your head.緩慢地將腿部拉直,並使腿部保持伸直狀態,同時將大腿向頭部方向牽引。
  • 22Whatever it was that had interrupted his life, he was trying to straighten it out.不管發生了什麼,但那阻斷了它的生活軌跡,而它正力圖修正。
  • 23Governor, I'll find those eight people and straighten them out by November, she promised.“州長,我會找到那8個人,在11月之前把他們爭取過來。”她向我保證。
  • 24In the process, you straighten up a chair, pick up some dirty dishes and improvise a salsa move.你來到廚房,開始沏咖啡,在這過程中,你擺正了一張椅子,撿起一些髒兮兮的餐具並即興來了段薩爾薩舞。 噢!
  • 25Arrange pillows, straighten blankets, stack magazines, arrange coasters etc... you get the picture.整理枕頭,抻直毯子,疊起雜誌,擺好杯墊等等,你知道要怎樣做。
  • 26"Another lamp," she cried to the retreating servant, while Janey bent over to straighten her mother's cap.“再點一盞燈,”她向退出去的僕人喊道,詹尼這時正低頭撫平母親的便帽。
  • 27If you try to "straighten out" your spouse, you are not being honest; you are making a disrespectful judgment.如果試圖糾正伴侶,你也是不誠實的;而是在做無禮的定奪。
  • 28As the music flowed through his fingers, his stooped shoulders would straighten and joy would reappear in his eyes.當音樂流過他的手指時,他曲背的肩將會變直,快樂會重新浮現在他的眼裡。
  • 29In spite of the recession, the markets are telling them to either straighten out their problems or go bankrupt.在衰退陰影之下,市場正在告訴他們,要么理順自己的問題,要么走向破產。
  • 30They are almost invisible, extremely comfortable, and will gradually straighten your teeth into the perfect smile.這種器具幾乎是隱形的而且非常舒服,會逐漸讓你的牙齒得到矯正,讓你也可以展現完美的笑容。

