- 外文名:spitcher
- 詞性:及物動詞、形容詞
- 英式發音:['spitʃə]
- 釋義:擊沉(敵軍的潛水艇等)|玩完了的;毀滅了的
20She's a good head taller than her sister.她比妹妹足足高出了一個頭。《牛津詞典》21My sister fetched a pitcher of iced water.我妹妹取來一壺冰水。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》22His sister screamed out that he was crazy.他姐姐大叫著說他昏了頭。《牛津詞典》23Her deep hatred of her sister was...
But, the right fielder understood what the pitcher's intentions were, so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman's head. 但右外野手明白投手的意思,所以他把球拋得遠遠的,高過三壘手的頭。I checked in with two experts to find out. About. com's Guide to Bicycling, Dave ...
53、投手區(PITCHER'S CIRCLE):(快式)即是距投手板2.5公尺(8)半徑的區域,該邊線亦屬之。54、軸足(PIVOT FOOT):即是投手在投球時,瞪踢投手板的一足。附註:右投手即右腳。55、開始比賽(PLAY BALL):即是司球裁判用來指示比賽開始或繼續的口令。當投手持球進入投手圈位置捕手進入捕手區內,其餘...
《Let's Celebrake》《The Football Toucher Downer》《I Likes Babies and Infinks》《Lost and Foundry》《The Twisker Pitcher》《Hospitaliky》《My Artistical Temperature》《Christmas Comes But Once a Year》《Little Swee' Pea》《Never Kick a Woman》《Bridge Ahoy!》《Vim, Vigor and Vitaliky》《...
Nick Catchdubs、Tiga、Riton、Dejung、Blood、 BoysNoize、Brodinski、Bookashade、Claud von Stroke、Ellen Allien、Erol Alkan、Hot Chip、HudsonMohawke、James Murphy、Kode9、DJ Koze、Luciano 、Matthew Dear、Michael Mayer、MSTRKRFT、Philipp Jung、Pilooski、Prins Thomas、RJD2、Seth Troxler 、Superpitcher 、Teki...
n. 投手;投擲者pitcher , caster 雙語例句 1.The hurler racked up a career-high nine strikeouts while limiting New York to five hits and a walk in a 100-pitch effort. 這位投手100球內容中飆出了生涯最多的九次三振讓洋基只有五支安打,與一次四壞保送。2.The swings were not good enough. ...
Vincent's a good hitter. 文森特是個好擊球手。Where do the pitcher and the hitter stand? 投手和擊球員站在哪裡?He'd be a better hitter if he could learn to pull. 假如他能學會早揮棒擊球,他就成為一名較好的擊球隊員。How do you feel about the designated hitter rule? 您怎么理解擊球員規則...
These animals shred the prey that fall into the pitcher, and the smaller organisms feed on the debris. 這些動物撕碎掉到水罐里的獵物,而小一些的生物則以殘骸為食。There is not a shred of truth in the story. 這個故事沒有一點真實性。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》He instructed staff to shred ...
And defining what's the rhyme is worst of all Stop, sit and study cause the meaning isn't muddy Just preach and do the gear as the first of all Watch while the pitcher is pitching Cause this is the pitch of the year Sing a simple song but keep the swing strong Though you heard ...
《Let's Celebrake》《The Football Toucher Downer》《I Likes Babies and Infinks》《Lost and Foundry》《The Twisker Pitcher》《Hospitaliky》《My Artistical Temperature》《Christmas Comes But Once a Year》《Little Swee' Pea》《Never Kick a Woman》《What -- No Spinach?》《Bridge Ahoy!》《Vim,...
《Let's Celebrake》《The Football Toucher Downer》《I Likes Babies and Infinks》《Lost and Foundry》《The Twisker Pitcher》《Hospitaliky》《My Artistical Temperature》《Christmas Comes But Once a Year》《Little Swee' Pea》《Never Kick a Woman》《What -- No Spinach?》《Bridge Ahoy!》《Vim,...
《婆羅洲的豬籠草野外指南》(Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Borneo ,與安德烈亞斯·維斯圖巴合著)斯圖爾特·麥克弗森與其他學者共同發現了很多物種,其中包括阿滕伯勒豬籠草(Nepenthes attenboroughii)。在引證由斯圖爾特·麥克弗森命名的一個植物學名時,該作者的標準命名人縮寫是S.McPherson。[5]參考文獻 ^ ...
SC-3000(相澤舞)、SG-1000(芹澤優)、SC-1000II(大空直美)、Game Gear(田中美海)、robopitcher(桃野春奈) “若い力-SEGA HARD GIRLS MIX-” 電視動畫《世嘉硬體女孩》片尾曲 10月24日 花舞少女 BD、DVD第2卷特典CD 哈娜·N·芳婷史坦(田中美海) “花ハ踴レヤいろはにほ哈娜ver.” 電視動畫《花舞少女...
大壺節 Kumbh Meka 或 Great Pitcher Festival 相傳印度教神明(提婆)和群魔(阿修羅)爭奪一個壺而大打出手,原因是壺裡裝有長生不老藥。結果不慎把壺打翻,四滴長生不老藥分別落到印度的阿拉哈巴德、哈里瓦、烏疆、和納錫四地。時至2021年,這4座城市平均每3年輪一次來慶祝大壺節,而在這4座城市中,又以...
THE MIRACULOUS PITCHER THE HILL-SIDE-Introductory to "The Miracu- lous Pitcher"THE MIRACULOUS PITCHER THE HILL-SIDE-After the Story THE CHIMfERA BALD-SUMMIT-Introductory to "The Chimxra"THE CHIMIERA BALD-summIT-After the Story --此文字指本書的不再付印或絕版版本。
20No, he calls for a pitcher of water and a rag.他不用手紙,卻要一壺水和一塊破布。21I am fed up with those rag-to-riches story.那些貧兒暴富的故事我聽膩了。22Sometimes all it takes is a wipe with a damp rag.有時候它起的作用和抹布抹一下差不多。23The ragged man drags a wangon...
《The Twisker Pitcher》,《Chicken a La King》,《Hospitaliky》,《My Artistical Temperature》,《Organ Grinder's Swing》,《Bunny Mooning》,《The Paneless Window Washer》,《House Cleaning Blues》,《I'm in the Army Now》,《Christmas Comes But Once a Year》,《The Spinach Roadster》,《Hold the...
Frontliner Frequencerz Gunz For Hire Hard Driver Headhunterz Issac Neilio Noisecontroller Minus Militias Radical Redemption Project One Psyko Punkz Ran-D Regain Showtek(2003-2013,2016)Sound Rush Sub Zero Project The Prophet Technoboy The Pitcher Tuneboy Wasted Penguinz Warface Wildstylez Zatox ...
He went to the mound to talk with a struggling pitcher who spoke only Spanish. 他走到投球區土墩和一名只講西班牙語、奮力拚搏的投手交談。We've been struggling for years and it's a real kick in the teeth to see a new band make it ahead of us. 我們一直奮鬥了很多年,看到一個新樂隊在...
10 The Crow and the Pitcher烏鴉與水瓶 11 The North Wind and the Sun北風與太陽 12 The Milkmaid and Her Pail擠牛奶的姑娘和奶桶 13 The Fox and the Monkey狐狸與猴子 14 The Fir-Tree and the Bramble樅樹與荊棘 15 The Gnat and the BuII蚊子與公牛 16 The Bear and the Travelers熊與旅人28 17...