《 Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies(太空飛行器熱控制技術)》是2020年北京理工大學出版社出版的圖書。作者是Jianyin Miao,Qi Zhong,Qiwei Zhao,Xin Zhao。《太空飛行器熱控制技術(英文版)》是北京理工大學出版社與Springer Nature聯合出版圖書。太空飛行器熱控制作為一門綜合多學科技術,涉及材料學、熱學、數學、化學、光學、計算流體力學、電子學、計算機科學以及試驗測量技術等諸多學科領域,是任何太空飛行器必不可少的技術保障系統之一。
- 中文名: Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies(太空飛行器熱控制技術)
- 作者:Jianyin Miao、Qi Zhong、Qiwei Zhao、Xin Zhao
- 出版社:北京理工大學出版社
- ISBN:9787568290104
《太空飛行器熱控制技術(英文版)》是北京理工大學出版社與Springer Nature聯合出版圖書。太空飛行器熱控制作為一門綜合多學科技術,涉及材料學、熱學、數學、化學、光學、計算流體力學、電子學、計算機科學以及試驗測量技術等諸多學科領域,是任何太空飛行器必不可少的技術保障系統之一。《太空飛行器熱控制技術(英文版)》系統梳理、凝練了太空飛行器熱控制技術總體設計和分系統設計兩個方面的特色,由中國空間技術研究院*線專家領銜編著,全面展示了以苗建印研究員為主的團隊在近年來所取得的創新成果。《太空飛行器熱控制技術(英文版)》強調太空飛行器熱控制技術系統性工程套用經驗及熱控制的自身發展、套用,凝練和總結了熱控制技術的相關知識和系統設計要素。《太空飛行器熱控制技術(英文版)》主要供從事太空飛行器熱控制研究、設計的工程技術人員及從事國防工業的決策人員參考。
1 Introduction
1.1 Mission of Spacecraft Thermal Control
1.2 Demand for Thermal Control
1.2.1 Temperature Level
1.2.2 Temperature Uniformity and Stability
1.2.3 Wind Speed and Humidity
1.3 Thermal Characteristics
1.3.1 Heat Source
1.3.2 Magnitude and Fluctuation of Heat Dissipation
1.3.3 Heat Flux
1.3.4 Thermal Capacity
1.4 Main Constraints
1.5 Main Technology of Thermal Control
1.6 Main Tasks
2 Space Environment
2.1 Overview
2.2 Environment at Launching Phase
2.3 Earth Orbital Space Environment
2.3.1 Earth Orbital Thermal Environment
2.3.2 Other Earth Orbit Space Environment
2.4 Moon and Planetary Space Environment
2.4.1 Lunar Environment
2.4.2 Mercury Environment
2.4.3 Venus Environment
2.4.4 Mars Environment
2.5 Thermal Environment at Re-entry or Entry Phase
2.6 Inductive Environment
2.6.1 Inductive Environment Caused by Engine Operation
2.6.2 Inductive Environment for Spinning Spacecraft or Equipment
3 Design of Spacecraft Thermal Control Subsystem
3.1 Overview
3.2 Mission Characteristics
3.2.1 Ground Phase
3.2.2 Launch and Ascent Phase
3.2.3 Orbiting Phase
3.2.4 Reentry or Entry Phase
3.2.5 Landing Phase
3.3 Basic Principles of Thermal Control Design
3.4 Design Method of Thermal Control System
3.4.1 Thermal Control Design Requirements and Conditions
3.4.2 Selection of Thermal Design Cases
3.4.3 Selection of System Design Methods
3.4.4 Selection of Thermal Control Technologies
3.5 Thermal Control Design Stages and Key Points
3.5.1 Concept Phase
3.5.2 Initial Prototype Phase
3.5.3 Formal Prototype Phase
3.5.4 Operation Improvement Phase
4 Typical Thermal Control Technologies for Spacecraft
4.1 Overview
4.2 Heat Transfer Technology
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Thermal Conductive Materials
4.2.3 Heat Pipe
4.2.4 Thermal Interface Fillers
4.2.5 Thermal Control Coating
4.2.6 Fluid Loop
4.2.7 Convection Ventilation Device
4.2.8 Radiator
4.2.9 Consumable Heat Dissipating Device
4.2.10 Phase Change Material (PCM) Device
4.2.11 Thermal Switch
4.3 Thermal Insulation Technology
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2 Radiation Insulation
4.3.3 Thermal Insulation of Heat Conductance
4.3.4 Thermal Insulation Under Gaseous Environment
4.4 Heating Technology
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Electrical Heating
4.4.3 Radioisotope Heating Technology
4.5 Temperature Measurement and Control Technology
4.5.1 Introduction
4.5.2 Thermometry Technology
4.5.3 Temperature Control Technology
5 Typical Thermal Control Design Cases of Spacecraft
5.1 Overview
5.2 Design Cases of Spacecraft Thermal Control System
5.2.1 Thermal Control System Design of Remote Sensing Satellite
5.2.2 Thermal Control Design of Communication Satellite
5.2.3 Thermal Control System Design of Lunar Probe
5.2.4 Thermal Control System Design of Manned Spacecraft
5.3 Thermal Design Cases of Spacecraft Assembly
5.3.1 Thermal Design of Propulsion System
5.3.2 Thermal Design of Battery
5.3.3 Thermal Design of Electrical Equipment
5.3.4 Thermal Design of Camera
5.3.5 Thermal Design of Antenna
5.3.6 Thermal Design of Drive Mechanism
6 Thermal Analysis Technology
6.1 Overview
6.2 Space Energy Conservation Equation
6.2.1 Thermal Network Equation
6.2.2 Computational Domain and Boundary Conditions
6.2.3 Discretization
6.2.4 Thermal Model Construction and Solution Process
6.3 External Heat Flux Analysis
6.3.1 Sun Position
6.3.2 Orbital Parameters
6.3.3 Thermal Environment Parameters
6.3.4 Staying on Celestial Body
6.4 Radiation Computing
6.4.1 View Factor
6.4.2 Radiative Absorption Factor
6.4.3 Radiative Heat
6.4.4 Non-diffusive Radiation
6.4.5 Spatial Decomposition Method for Radiation Calculation
6.4.6 Residual Processing
6.5 Simulation of Specific Problems
6.5.1 Flow and Heat Transfer in Pressurized Cabin
6.5.2 Flow and Heat Transfer in Ducts
6.5.3 Heat Transfer of Heat Pipe
6.5.4 Low Pressure Gas Heat Conduction
6.5.5 Thermal Behavior of Solid-Liquid Phase Change
6.5.6 Thermal Behavior of Semiconductor Cooling
6.5.7 Junction-Case Heat Transfer of Electronic Components
6.6 Equivalent Transformation of Radiation Term of Thermal Network
6.6.1 Equivalent Heating
6.6.2 Equivalent Heat Sink
6.7 Thermal Model Correlation
6.7.1 Basic Knowledge of Thermal Model Correlation
6.7.2 Parameter Analysis
6.7.3 Correlation Method
7 Spacecraft Thermal Testing
7.1 Overview
7.2 Simulation Methods for Space Thermal Environment
7.2.1 Vacuum
7.2.2 Cold and Dark Background
7.2.3 Orbital Heat Flux
7.3 Environmental Heat Flux Simulator and Heat Flux Measurement
7.3.1 Environmental Heat Flux Simulator
7.3.2 Environmental Heat Flux Measurement
7.4 Thermal Balance Test
7.4.1 Thermal Test Model
7.4.2 Determination of Test Cases
7.4.3 Test Process and Method
7.5 Atmospheric Thermal Test
7.6 Low-Pressure Test
7.6.1 Overview
7.6.2 Selection of Test Gas
7.6.3 Gas Temperature Simulation
7.6.4 Flow Field Simulation
7.6.5 Measurement