



  • 外文名:smartness
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 發音:[ˈsmɑːrtnəs]
  • 釋義:機靈;敏捷;現代風格


mental smartness 心理敏捷性
interface smartness level 界面智慧型程度
the teaching smartness 教學機智
evaluation of smartness 敏捷性評價
Smartness of the teeth-eloquent 齒牙伶俐


  • 1They were also surprised by his smartness and ability to find a solution to nearly any problem that he faced.他們也對他的聰明才智和解決面對的幾乎所有問題的能力感到驚訝。
  • 2His smartness of the morning had seemed to Tom a good joke before, and very ingenious.湯姆之前覺得他早上耍的小聰明是個很好的笑話,而且很有獨創性。
  • 3In one recent study, we examined 360 adolescents' beliefs about the nature of "smartness"—that is, their fixed mindsets about intelligence.在最近的一項研究中,我們調查了360名青少年對“聰明”的本質的看法,即他們對智力的固定思維模式。
  • 4In this study, instead of teaching students that their smartness can change, we taught them that their social standing—that is, whether they are bullied or excluded or left out—can change over time.在這項研究中,我們沒有告訴學生,他們的聰明才智是可以改變的,而是告訴他們,他們的社會地位是可以改變的,也就是,無論他們是否受到欺凌或被排擠,那都會隨著時間的推移而改變。
  • 5What is the secret of his smartness?他們聰慧的秘密是什麼呢?
  • 6He seemed impressed by her smartness.他似乎被她的不俗儀表所打動。
  • 7You just ain't using that smartness .你就是沒有用到你的聰明。
  • 8This is a characteristic of the child, the smartness.這就是孩子的特點:機靈。
  • 9The dandy CARES too much about the smartness of his clothes.那個花花公子有些過份注意他的衣著。
  • 10The "smartness" has to be not in the box but in the programming.要讓電視變得更“聰明”,不是在機頂盒裡做些什麼,而是需要通過程式來讓它做到這一點。
  • 11If a beard was a sign of smartness, the goat would be a Socrates.如果子是知識的象徵,那么山也會成為蘇格拉底。
  • 12The chips imbedded in book and chair have only the smartness of ants.藏在書和椅子裡的晶片只具備螞蟻的機敏。
  • 13Intelligence and smartness in general is fundamentally prediction machinery.一般而言,智慧型或者聰明,根本就是一種預測機制。
  • 14I wanted to joy in the academic accomplishments and the smartness of my children.我願為我的孩子從這些書中得到教育和智慧喜樂。
  • 15The man who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last.那些僅靠小聰明和無用的空談發跡的人最終會失敗的。
  • 16Consider, for example, the idea that "the surest way to 'smartness' is through massive 'dumbness'".試想一下,例如通向“精明”最可靠的方式是大範圍“沉默”的這一觀點。
  • 17This kind of praise implies that traits like smartness, cleverness, and goodness are qualities you either have or you don't.這樣的表揚暗示了機靈,聰明,好等特質,你要么有,要么沒有。
  • 18What really matters to a city's smartness, they argue, is the software that runs on it and the network that connects its parts.他們表明,對城市智慧型化真正重要的,是運行其上的軟體及連通各部分的網路。
  • 19While IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tells you how smart you are, EQ (Emotional Quotient) tells you how well you use your smartness.雖然智商能告訴你你有多么聰明,然而情商卻能告訴你你如何運用自己的聰明。
  • 20Learning the tricks of the selling trade not only adds to your smartness but also to your inherent ability to manipulate others.學習銷售的技巧不僅會讓你更聰明,而且還能學會控制他人。
  • 21On how to appraise the smartness standard of the power grid in new-energy cities, no systematic research has been conducted so far.如何評價新能源城市電網智慧型化水平,目前還沒有系統的研究。
  • 22Standing like letter "Q", its bean sprout like leg and small pattern of rhombus grid represent its bright smartness and loveliness.以Q的姿態站立,豆芽菜形態的腿部造型加上菱形方格的細碎紋樣,更顯明眸皓齒的機靈乖巧。
  • 23With fluent expression and smartness, good communication skills and great negotiation ability, he is good at handling complicated cases.語言表達流暢,思維敏捷,具有良好的溝通協調和談判能力。

