- 外文名:slicer
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['slaɪsə]
- 美式發音:[ˈslaɪsər]
- n. 切片機;截剪器;限制器
- Bread Slicer…Bakery Equipment made in China. 方包切片機…餅房加工設備。中國產。youdao
- Meat slicer & dicer…Meat Processors made in China. 肉絲肉片機…肉食加工設備。中國產。youdao
- The working principle of vertical slicer with pusher was analyzed. 分析了推板式垂直分切機的工作原理。youdao
- A laser pulse slicer with a cryotron high voltage pulse generator is reported. 本文報導由冷陰極閘流管產生高壓脈衝的雷射脈衝削波器。youdao
- At present, the existence and widespread use of the hand-style sweet potato slicer. 目前廣泛存在和使用的是手搖式紅薯切片機。youdao
- Multi-Function turntable slicer can slice material into pieces like circles or ovals. 多功能轉盤切片機,可以將物料切成圓形片狀或橢圓片狀。youdao
- A noted slicer hired by bounty hunter Kalyn Farnmir during her pursuit of Sri Oscuro. 倩·希是賞金獵人卡莉恩·法恩米爾在追捕斯克里·奧斯庫羅時僱傭的著名黑客。youdao
- Since we are only interested in last year’s results, we also add a slicer for Year 2009. 因為我們僅對去年的結果感興趣,我們還為 Year 2009添加了一個slicer。youdao
- Sometimes no matter how much of a chronic slicer you are, you'll hook the ball to the left. 有時不管有多大的一種慢性切片機你,你將鉤球向左邊。youdao
- The students used a "slicer" to cut that block into fractions and a "cloner" to copy those slices. 學生們用切片機將這個塊切割成幾個部分和那些切片的克隆。youdao
- LL: This doohickey is one of the greatest inventions of all time. It is an apple corer, peeler and slicer. 這玩藝兒既能削皮,挖掉蘋果的核還能把蘋果切成片,有這么多功能呀。怪不得你說它是最偉大的發明之一。youdao
- Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers. 儘管宣傳冊上說廚房設備齊全,然而我們並沒有在櫥櫃裡找到切蛋器。youdao
- In Compatible Query Mode, validation of the slicer expression would result in the following warning message. 在CompatibleQueryMode中,對切片器表達式進行驗證將導致以下警告訊息。youdao
- This slicer works as intended because the default rollup for the hierarchy containing the chosen members is Total. 這個切片器按照預期的方式工作,因為包含選中成員的層級的默認匯總為 Total。youdao
- They acquired a kind of deli slicer for brain tissue, which they used to shave ultrathin sheets from a mouse's brain. 他們獲得了一種用於腦組織的切片機,用它從小鼠的大腦上得到超薄切片。youdao
- An alternative solution is to replace the slicer by an explicit calculation nested on one of the edges of the crosstab. 一種替代解決方案是將切片器替換為嵌套在交叉表邊上的顯示計算。youdao
- Dr Denk (or, rather, his graduate students) are thus able to load the machine with a chunk of plasticised brain and a slicer. 因此,Denk博士(或者是他的研究生)就能夠把一大塊塑化的大腦和一個切片機載入這台機器。youdao
- The sweet potato slicer is an agricultural product processing equipment, mainly used in the production of sweet potato chips. 紅薯切片機是一種農業產品加工設備,主要用於紅薯薯片的製作。youdao
- An Alderaanian slicer, communications specialist, and technician who was part of Han Solo's Renegade Squadron strike team on Endor. 丹絲拉·比澤是一位來自奧德朗的黑客、通訊專家和技術員,在恩多戰役中是漢·索洛的叛逆者中隊的成員。youdao
- Karrde suspected the funds allocated to Ackbar's account were the work of an expert slicer, and wanted Ghent to prove his suspicions. 卡爾德懷疑是一名專業黑客將那筆資金劃到了阿克巴的賬上。他希望根特能證明這一點。youdao
- When using an OLAP-based package, a report that contains a slicer using a value expression produces the following error when executed. 使用基於OLAP的包時,如果報告包含適用值表達式的切片器(slicer),那么執行報告時會生成以下錯誤。youdao
- Also included is an image slicer that can "chop up" a large image into smaller ones, then create the correct HTML code to put it all back together. 其中還包括一個圖像切片機,可以“斬了”大型圖片成小的,然後建立正確的HTML代碼,以便把所有重新走到一起。youdao
- When the report is executed with the modified slicer member set, the output again contains the combined (total) revenue for Canada and United States. 使用經過修改的切片器成員集執行報告時,該輸出同樣包含Canada和United States合併(總計)收入。youdao
- Since this is a value, not a member or set, it is not valid in a slicer. Running the modified report in the Dynamic Query Mode produces the following error message. 由於這是一個值,而不是一個成員或集,因此它在切片器中無效。youdao
- The LEICA RM2128 slicer and Motic BA300 optical microscopy system has been used to observe the cell and tissue structures of root tubers, fibrous roots and the roots cultured in water of O. 採用組織切片技術,在顯微鏡下觀察麥冬塊根、鬚根和水培誘導根的形態和內部結構。youdao