



  • 外文名:sizable
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:['saɪzəbl]
  • 美式發音:['saɪzəbl]


sizable /ˈsaɪzəbəl/ (also sizeable) CET6
1.ADJSizable means fairly large. 相當大的


sizable quantity 可觀的數量
sizable orders 大額訂單
sizable man 大個子
sizable chromosome 變長度染色體
sizable lump 適當塊狀
sizable sample[統計] 相當大的樣本
sizable increase 相當大的增加
sizable sum 大的款子
Sizable ToolWindow 視窗大小可變的工具箱窗體


  • 1Harry inherited the house and a sizable piece of land that surrounds it.哈里繼承了那座房子和房子周圍一塊相當大的土地。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2With such a favorable location, about 300 to 400 people lived in a sizable, permanent settlement.在如此優越的地理位置,大約三四百人居住在一個相當大的永久性定居點。
  • 3Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age.現在的研究表明,在最後一次冰河時期的尾聲階段,阿拉斯加東南部沿岸的內大陸架的相當大的區域並未被冰覆蓋。
  • 4Industrial pollutants are responsible for a sizable proportion of all cancers.工業污染物會引發多種癌症。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The Japanese call them "tsunamis", meaning "harbour waves", because they reach a sizable height only in harbours.日本人稱其為“海嘯”,意思是“港灣浪”,因為它們只有在港口才能達到相當高的高度。
  • 6There are far too many companies still delaying creating a lean and green business system, arguing that it will cost money or require sizable capital investments.有太多的公司仍在拖延建立一個精簡且綠色的商業體系,它們辯稱,這將耗費資金或需要大量的資本投資。
  • 7If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.如果你能在決定績效工資之前滿足老闆的需求(比如一個新客戶或一份大契約),你就更有可能得到你想要的加薪。
  • 8The overall increase in capital required is sizable.整體增長所需的資金是非常大的。
  • 9This opportunity, however, comes with a sizable catch: Steven P. Jobs.可是,與這個機會相伴而來的還有一個不小的隱患:史蒂芬·賈伯斯。
  • 10But many Banks could face sizable risks if borrowers failed to repay loans.但是倘若借貸者無力歸還欠款的話,多家銀行都將面臨相當大的風險。
  • 11For instance, you can use pv to measure the progress of a sizable upload.例如,可以使用pv度量大小可變的上傳操作的進度。
  • 12Indeed, they are frequently dissatisfied even with their sizable fortunes.事實上,就算他們有著巨額的財富他們仍然感到不快樂。
  • 13By the standards of the time, they had social structures with a sizable middle class.根據時代的標準,他們擁有規模可觀的中產階級的社會。
  • 14Keeping frequently used scripts in bytecode form would give us a sizable performance boost.將頻繁使用的腳本保持為位元組碼形式可以幫助提升可觀的性能。
  • 15And even if Irene becomes a major hurricane with devastation, guys still have a sizable lead.即使艾琳(女名)成為了破壞性很強的的一支主要颶風男人們在這方面仍然是相當領先的。
  • 16W: As a rule we don't allow any commision. But if the order is sizable one, we will consider it.W:按規定我們是不許給佣金的,不過如果定單確實是大定單,我們會考慮的。
  • 17This is a sizable number, and will provide sufficient scalability for the majority of applications.這是一個可伸縮的數量,可為大多數應用程式提供足夠的伸縮性。
  • 18Please note that most sizable U.S. companies have stock options, multinational operations, or both.請注意,其實,大部分大型美國公司都持有股票期權,或進行跨國業務,或兩者兼而有之。
  • 19The majority of the Omanis are Arabs, although there is a sizable Baluchi minority (Iranian people).絕大多數阿曼人是阿拉伯人,儘管也有相當數量的俾路支人(伊朗人)。
  • 20If the software you are adding is sizable, you will need to increase the target disk size accordingly.如果所添加的軟體是可調整大小的,那么您需要相應地增加目標磁碟的大小。
  • 21Solar would make a sizable contribution only after 2025, once the expansion of wind energy had plateaued.一旦風能的利用趨於穩定,太陽能在將在2025年後做出相當大的貢獻。
  • 22Specifying a sizable number of initial agents, while not necessary, can accelerate the warming-up period.指定初始代理程式數目要合適(儘管並非必要條件),這可以縮短“熱身”時間。
  • 23And with a USB flash drive of sizable capacity, you can use the remaining available space as data storage.有了這個具有相當容量的usb快閃記憶體驅動器,我們就可以使用其餘的可用存儲空間來存儲數據了。
  • 24Writing under pseudonyms, many users that frequently post on BBS build reputations and sizable followings.很多用戶使用筆名寫作,通過頻繁發帖建立了很高的聲譽,並獲得了大量的追隨者。
  • 25She set about dedicating herself and her sizable inheritance to returning Mother's Day to its reverent roots.她開始奉獻她自己和她絕大部分的遺產去使母親節回到它最虔誠的根基上去。
  • 26To run a sizable business, developers need to predictably be able to get their products in front of consumers.為了業務達到一定規模,開發者需要儘可能提高產品在消費者群中的曝光率。
  • 27As a result, some economists have argued that Beijing should opt for a sizable one-time revaluation of the yuan.有鑒於此,一些經濟學家說,北京應該選擇一次性大幅升值人民幣。


