



  • 外文名:shrill
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞
  • 類型:英語單詞




shrill sound又尖又刺耳的聲音
not shrill低沉的
shrill call這邊的尖叫


  • 1Her voice was shrill and penetrating.她的聲音尖厲刺耳。《牛津詞典》
  • 2More distinct came the shrill voice of Tinker Bell.更清晰的是小叮噹尖銳的聲音。
  • 3Imagine her surprise, when the White Rabbit read out, at the top of his shrill little voice, the name "Alice!"使她大吃一驚的是,此時兔子用刺耳的嗓音尖叫道:“愛麗絲!”
  • 4Shrill cries and startled oaths flew up around us as pandemonium broke out.騷亂爆發時,我們周圍充斥著尖厲的哭喊聲和難聽的咒罵聲。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The grandfather stood under the door, watching her, when suddenly a shrill whistle was heard.爺爺站在門下看著她,突然傳來一陣尖銳的口哨聲。
  • 6Suddenly Heidi, hearing a shrill whistle, rushed outside, as Peter and all his goats came racing down.突然,海蒂聽到一聲尖利的口哨,她沖了出去,彼得和他所有的山羊都跑了下來。
  • 7Other boys saw it and began to laugh; then they all copied the first; and they ran round Philip, limping comically, screaming with shrill laughter.其他的男孩看到了,開始大笑;然後他們都複製了第一個;他們圍著菲利普跑著,滑稽地一瘸一拐地走著,尖聲大笑著。
  • 8Her voice turned shrill. She began to lose her hair.她的聲音變得尖銳刺耳,還開始掉頭髮。
  • 9Tilting there momently, shrill shirt ballooning傾側了一瞬,襯衫呼嘯膨脹如氣球
  • 10But not all Arab accounts of Sudan are so blinkered and shrill.但是並非所有關於蘇丹的阿拉伯報導都是狹隘極端的。
  • 11Their findings do not support the shrill protectionist rhetoric.他們的發現不支持這些保護主義言論。
  • 12The argument has gotten so shrill and divisive that I am bored by it.這場爭論變得如此尖銳和兩極分化,已經讓我感到不耐煩了。
  • 13A shrill but sweet voice shushed a crowd. "You're waking them up!"一陣既刺耳又悅耳的聲音讓大家安靜了下來:“你們想把他們叫醒啊!”
  • 14Laotse had laughed before him, a thin, shrill yet cataclysmic laughter.老子在莊子之前便懂得幽默,一種淡定、尖銳然而洪亮的嘲笑。
  • 15He cried and his shrill tone troke the quietness, but the ship still left.他尖銳的音調劃破了寧靜,船還是離開了。
  • 16Neither the shrill nor the sanguine arguments can be dismissed out of hand.不論是尖銳的或者是樂觀的言論都不能直接予以駁斥。
  • 17Every few seconds, a shrill cry of "Justin!" erupted from somewhere in the crowd.每隔幾秒,人群中的某個地方就會突然傳來“賈斯汀”的尖叫聲。
  • 18For us, the slothful spell was broken on our second afternoon by a shrill whistle.對我們來說,懶散的日子在第二天下午被一陣尖利的口哨聲打斷了。
  • 19"You \ \ \ 're wicked, Norma Jeane, \" the old woman used to shrill at the little girl.“你是邪惡的,諾瑪。珍貝克,”這個老女人對著這個小女孩尖叫。
  • 20The minutes seemed like hours, but then there came the shrill sound of the train whistle.每一分鐘都變得像一個小時那樣漫長,終於悽厲的汽笛鳴響。
  • 21Their mentor is a shrill crusader for lower taxes. Dr Rösler is more upbeat and inclusive.兩者對比,他們的導師是一個“減稅”的瘋狂鬥士,而羅斯勒則更樂觀和包容②。
  • 22There is increasingly shrill commentary arguing that Greece is the start of a far bigger problem.有逐漸尖銳的評論主張希臘是一個更巨大問題的開端。
  • 23Trees crash to earth, and flapping things called STINGBATS rise in to the sky with shrill calls.樹倒在地上,刺蝠拍著翅膀尖叫著飛入天空。
  • 24Irvine thrust between his lips the little finger of each hand and lent to her efforts a shrill whistling.歐文將兩個小指放到口中壯色添聲地發出了一聲刺耳的口哨聲。
  • 25Their shrill arguments are boring and comical once one has learned a bit of how the world really works.一旦一個人知道更多的關於這個世界是怎么運作的知識後,他們的狂吠就顯得既討厭又滑稽了。
  • 26Imagine her surprise, when the White Rabbit read out, at the top of his shrill little voice, the name 'Alice!'使她大吃一驚的是:當白兔用刺耳的嗓音尖叫出來時,竟是“愛麗絲!”
  • 27He heard the shrill, hard voice of Jondrette utter these words, which were fraught with a strange interest for him.他聽到容德雷特響亮生硬的聲音在說著這樣幾句話,使他感到非常奇特,和他大有關係。
  • 28Another women stepped forward and pointed to the pharmacy bag on the street saying in a near shrill, "that's his bag!"另一個女子向前走了幾步,指著路上的藥袋尖叫著說:“那個是他的袋子!”


