- 中文名:shopworn
- 成立時間:2015年
SHOPWORN是一個美國電商網站,創辦於2015年。簡介 ShopWorn的所有產品都直接來源於奢侈品品牌或授權零售商,在保證每件產品100%一手正品的同時,售價卻可以低於原市場價格的50%到80%。產品系列包括腕錶、珠寶首飾、書寫工具、手袋錢包以及袖扣、領帶等配飾。ShopWorn接受銀聯、支付寶和微信支付,並採用順豐速運的物流。
shopsoiled,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“陳列久了的;陳舊的(等於shopworn)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 shopsoiled /ˈʃɒpˌsɔɪld/ 1.ADJ worn, faded, tarnished, etc, from being displayed in a shop or store (在商店中)陳列久了的 (US word shopworn)短語搭配...
《The Shopworn Angel》是由H.C. Potter執導的愛情、戰爭類電影,由Dana Burnet、瓦爾度·紹特等擔任編劇,由瑪格里特·蘇利文、詹姆斯·斯圖爾特主演。劇情簡介 During WWI Bill Pettigrew, a naive young Texan soldier is sent to New York for basic training. He meets worldly wise actress Daisy Heath when ...
陳貨(shopworn goods)漢語詞語,拼音是chénhuò,存放時間很久或過去剩下沒賣出去的貨物;非當年收貨的農作物。解釋 陳貨是指企業在日常活動中持有以備出售的生產成品或商品、處在生產過程中的在產品、在生產過程或提供勞務過程中耗用的材料、物料等。陳貨區別於固定資產等非流動資產的最基本的特徵是:企業持有陳貨...
Shopworn(1932)[編劇] 導演:NickGrinde主演:BarbaraStanwyck/RegisToomey/ZasuPittsTheGirlSaidNo(1930)[編劇] 導演:SamWood AGirl,aGuy,andaGob(1941)[編劇] 導演:RichardWallace LoveintheRough(1930)[編劇] 導演:CharlesReisnerTheCradleSnatchers(1927)[編劇] 導演:HowardHawks TheyLearnedAboutWomen(1930)...
passee passee,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞,用作形容詞譯為“已過盛年的,凋謝的”。短語搭配 Ou Est Passee Ma Boheme 藝術家的足跡 網路釋義 ex 【商】在 ... 交貨,... passee 已過盛年的 shopworn 在商店中陳列舊了的
1939)[編劇]導演:RichardThorpe主演:MickeyRooney/WalterConnolly/WilliamFrawley/RexIngram/LynneCarv...TheShopwornAngel(1938)[編劇]導演:H.C.Potter主演:MargaretSullavan/JamesStewart/WalterPidgeon/HattieMcDaniel.紅衣新娘(1937)[編劇]導演:DorothyArzner主演:JoanCrawford/FranchotTone/RobertYoung ...
Shopworn Shopworn (1932) [ 導演 ]導演:Nick Grinde 主演:Barbara Stanwyck / Regis Toomey / Zasu Pitts 6人評價 Vanity Street Vanity Street (1932) [ 導演 ]導演:Nick Grinde This Modern Age (1931) [ 導演 ]導演:Nick Grinde 主演:Joan Crawford / Pauline Frederick / Neil Hamilton 2人評價 Good ...
《 Shopworn Angel, The 》 (1938) ...《翠堤春曉 Great Waltz, The 》 (1938) ...《三人行 Three Comrades 》 (1938) ...《雙重婚禮 Double Wedding 》 (1937) ...photographer: Carmel-By-the-Sea (uncredited)《賭馬風波 Day at the Races, A 》 (1937) ...《怒火 Fury 》 (1936) ...《 ...
stoned beats and loping basslines. It's sort of disconcerting to hear a former N.W.A rapper trying to position himself as a member of the No Limit posse, but Ren does this fairly well. There are a few weak tracks on Ruthless for Life and all of his ideas are a little shopworn, ...
That is part of Chabon's project as well, to conjure up the music, smells, architecture, fashions -- the soul, in other words -- of worlds utterly imaginary, and yet palpably lost, and make us nostalgic for them. The moving, shopworn whiz-bang of historical visions of the ...
〖worn-out〗廢棄的和陳舊的(東西)廢舊物資 廢料 fèiliào 〖waste〗生產過程中剩下來的對本生產過程無用的東西 廢物 廢品 fèipǐn 〖wasteproduct;reject〗∶不合格產品 〖waste〗∶有缺陷或低劣的產品或商品,廢舊物品 廢氣 fèiqì 〖wastegasorsteam〗從內燃機或燃氣輪中排出的無用氣體 廢棄 fèiqì 〖...