



  • 外文名:shelve
  • 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[ʃelv]
  • 美式發音:[ʃelv]


英 [ʃelv] 美 [ʃelv]
vt. 將(書等)放置在架子上;擱置,將某事放到一旁不予考慮;將…擱在一邊;裝擱架於;罷免
vi. (陸地)逐漸傾斜
[ 第三人稱單數 shelves 現在分詞 shelving 過去式 shelved 過去分詞 shelved ]


SHLV Shelve 擱置
Shelve case 爐櫃
shelve a bill 法案擱置 ; 暫時擱置一項議案
Wall mounted shelve 鑲在牆上的壁櫥
he has books to shelve 他的書擱置 ; 他有書擱置 ; 他有擱置的書
shelve chios 耽擱
lifting shelve 揚料架
shelve b 架藏


  • 1They shelve the letters and do not give them due consideration.他們把信件壓起來,不加處理。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2The inverse of shelve is unshelve.與 shelve 作用相反的命令是 unshelve。
  • 3To put aside and ignore; shelve.把…擱置一邊並忽視;暫時擱置。
  • 4Shelve source control items.擱置原始碼管理項。
  • 5I'll have to shelve my plan.我的計畫得暫時擱淺。
  • 6To set aside the changes, run bzr shelve.為了擱置這些更改,運行 bzr shelve。
  • 7The company decided to shelve my project.公司決定把我的項目擱置起來。
  • 8Be sure to shelve reduced-sodium soy sauce here, too.也一定要把鈉鹽含量減少的醬油擱置在這裡。
  • 9The project became so complex that we had to shelve it.這個項目變得太複雜了,以至於我們不得不將其擱置起來。
  • 10After a sneak preview of the film they decided to shelve it.該影片在試映後,他們決定把它擱置起來。
  • 11We had to shelve the new building plan due to lack of funding.由於缺乏資金,我們不得不把建新樓的計畫擱置起來。
  • 12The command interactively prompts you to persist or shelve each diff.這個命令以互動方式提示您確定是保留還是擱置各個差異。
  • 13They had to shelve their holiday plans because their son was ill.他們不得不把度假計畫擱置,因為他們的兒子病了。
  • 14The United States is pulling from their shelve toys made in china.美國從他們拉扯擱置玩具中國製造。 。
  • 15They often shelve it with bottom-feeding tabloids and the Racing Post.因此經常被和墊底的小報與賽馬郵報撂在一邊。
  • 16On using diesel oil, put the transfer switch 2k to diesel oil shelve.當使用輕油時,將轉換開關2k扳到輕油檔。
  • 17Pending the final settlement, we can shelve disputes for joint development.在爭議解決前,可以擱置爭議,共同開發。
  • 18In a similar manner, they shelve the TRUTH about electricity for the same reason.以近似的方式,他們為同一個原因控制著關於電性的真相。
  • 19People shelve the out - of - fashion moral icon and espouse the philosophy of egoism.擱置了人民的時尚圖示和擁護道德哲學的利己主義。
  • 20Wu says that in making the deal both China and Japan have agreed to shelve their differences.伍大偉表示,中日雙方在達成協定的過程中同意擱置彼此之間的分歧。
  • 21At first I was just going to shelve it, but yesterday decided to at least put the photos online.開始我只是做完就算,但昨天我決定至少把它的相片放到網上。
  • 22We invited everyone to shelve their nonessential work and to use the time to explore their own ideas.我們請所有人停下不必要的工作,用這段時間來探索自己的想法。
  • 23If the differences between us are only a matter of understanding, we can shelve them and try to find common ground.如果只是認識上有分歧,可以求同存異。
  • 24Even something as simple as where to shelve it in a bookstore depended on having a category to print on the back cover.最簡單的就是放在書店貨柜上的書也要根據印在書本底面的目錄分類擺放。
  • 25But when they moved to Chicago so he could take a job on the Sun-Times his managing editor ordered her to shelve her ambitions.後來他們舉家搬到了芝加哥,他在太陽-時代報社謀到一個職位,而他的主管卻要她把自己的野心隱藏起來。
  • 26It is still possible that new developments could lead Google to shift tack or shelve plans for the storage offering in the coming months.未來幾個月中,谷歌仍可能會根據新的進展來調整或擱置這項存儲服務計畫。


