《she came home for chrismas》是由Mew於2007年8月20日發行的一張專輯。
也許是大自然的特性使然,寒冷的氣候和似世界盡頭般的地理位置,讓北歐這片與世無爭的土地總是能源源不斷地向人們提供那些不食人間煙火美妙樂音——除了來自冰島的Sigur ros和Mum,芬蘭的Anna kaisa liedes,挪威的Kings of convenience以及瑞典的Club 8,這次為我們帶來的禮物則是來自丹麥的Mew(海鷗)。
不同於他們風靡世界樂壇的同胞Aqua(水叮噹)和Michael learns to rock(麥克學搖滾),Mew的聲音永遠那么的冷靜內斂,不管是在如火花跳動一樣的吉他噪音響起,還是主唱用那纖細而響亮的聲音開始訴說某件事物,都會令人暫且忘記自己所處何時何地,並不由自主地隨之傷感起來。
Don't touch her there
She's blindfolded
She remembers on the bus
Into my heart, don't remember
Like you left us, without notice
Now you've come back
Like you left us, like you owe us
Into my heart
It's not me! It can't be! It's not you!
I can't do what i do if it's you!
This is not happening
Don't touch her there
She told me
She remembers how it felt
Into my heart, don't remember
Like you left us, without notice
Come home, Come home
It's not me! It can't be! It's not you!
I cant' do what I do if we're through
This is not happening
Don't touch her there
He watched her
She knew his look from behind
When she came home for christmas
This is not happening
Half The World Is Watching Me
語言:英語 流派:Rock