



  • 外文名:servicing
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈsɜːvɪsɪŋ]
  • 美式發音:[ˈsɜːrvɪsɪŋ]


service /ˈsɜːvɪs/ CET4 ( services )
service /ˈsɜːvɪs/ ( servicing, serviced, services )
service /ˈsɜːvɪs/
1.N-COUNT A service is something that the public needs, such as transportation, communications facilities, hospitals, or energy supplies, which is provided in a planned and organized way by the government or an official body. 公共服務機構; 公共服務系統
2.N-COUNT You can sometimes refer to an organization or private company as a particular service when it provides something for the public or acts on behalf of the government. 官方機構; 政府的行政部門
3.N-COUNT If an organization or company provides a particular service, they can do a particular job or a type of work for you. 服務; 服務項目
4.N-PLURALServices are activities such as tourism, banking, and selling things which are part of a country's economy, but are not concerned with producing or manufacturing goods. 服務性工作; 服務性行業
5.N-UNCOUNT The level or standard of service provided by an organization or company is the amount or quality of the work it can do for you. 服務質量; 服務水平
6.N-COUNT A bus or train service is a route or regular trip that is part of a transportation system. 交通線路
7.N-PLURAL Your services are the things that you do or the skills that you use in your job, which other people find useful and are usually willing to pay you for. 專業性服務
8.N-UNCOUNT If you refer to someone's service or services to a particular organization or activity, you mean that they have done a lot of work for it or spent a lot of their time on it. 效力; 供職 [also N in pl, oft N 'to' n]
9.N-COUNTThe Services are the army, the navy, the air force and the marines. (包括陸、海、空軍和海軍陸戰隊在內的) 軍隊
10.N-UNCOUNTService is the work done by people or equipment in the army, navy, or air force, for example, during a war. 兵役; 作戰
11.N-UNCOUNT When you receive service in a restaurant, hotel, or shop, an employee asks you what you want or gives you what you have ordered. (飯店、酒店、商店等的) 服務
12.N-COUNT A service is a religious ceremony that takes place in a church or synagogue. 宗教儀式; 禮拜 [also no det]
13.N-COUNT If a vehicle or machine has a service, it is examined, adjusted, and cleaned so that it will keep working efficiently and safely. 保養 [also no det]
14.N-COUNT A dinner service or a tea service is a complete set of plates, cups, saucers, and other pieces of china. 整套餐具
15.N-COUNT In tennis, badminton, and some other sports, when it is your service, it is your turn to serve. (網球、羽毛球等的) 發球
16.ADJService is used to describe the parts of a building or structure that are used by the staff who clean, repair, or take care of it, and are not usually used by the public. 員工專用的 [ADJ n]
17. → see also civil service, community service, emergency services, in-service, public service, rest area, room service
1.V-T If you have a vehicle or machine serviced, you arrange for someone to examine, adjust, and clean it so that it will keep working efficiently and safely. 做保養
2.V-T If someone or something services an organization, a project, or a group of people, they provide it with the things that it needs in order to function properly or effectively. 為…效力
1.PHRASE If you do someone a service, you do something that helps or benefits them. 幫某人一個忙
2.PHRASE If a piece of equipment or type of vehicle is in service, it is being used or is able to be used. If it is out of service, it is not being used, usually because it is not working properly. (不) 在使用中


Debt Servicing 債務償還事務 ; 債務還本付息 ; 償債
servicing weight 整備品重量
servicing center 維修基地 ; 服務中心
well servicing 井維修 ; 修井
Capital Servicing 投資評價
Servicing Right 服務權
Customer Servicing 客戶服務
Servicing Expense 服務費用
common servicing 軍種間勤務


