sawed-off adj. 槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的
槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的

sawed-off adj. 槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的
槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的
sawed-off adj. 槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的...... sawed-off adj. 槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的 槍身鋸短的, 個子矮的 sawed-off adj. 槍...
(sawed-off shotgun)多姆手中拿的這把威力極大的武器就是雙管散彈槍,它的射擊範圍非常廣泛,幾乎可以覆蓋半個螢幕。而當成群的敵人向你湧來時,一發子彈足以將...
槍械類型:P92、P1911、P18c、R1895、R45、Sawed-Off。 機槍 射程距離:中等 威力:中等 推薦配件優先:消音器、快速擴容彈夾、瞄準鏡 特點:火力非常猛,非常適合在...
槍械類型:P92、P1911、P18c、R1895、R45、Sawed-Off 弓弩 它們非常罕見,整個地圖不會那么輕易搜到,它們是近戰最犀利的武器,也是唯一能造成傷害並無視任何防護手段...
推薦武器 - 雙短管獵槍(Dual Sawed-Off Shotguns)/ 子母燃燒彈 (Shrapnel Grenades)這些怪物通常戲劇性的突然出現。它們能將要通過的柵欄融化(通常使你在遊戲中...
NOVA XM1014 MAG-7(CT專用) Sawed-Off(T陣營專用) M249 Negev MAC-10(T陣營專用) MP9(CT專用) MP7 UMP-45 P90 PP19-Bizon Galil AR(T陣營專用) FAMAS...
Nova XM1014 M249 Negev MAG-7(CT) Sawed-Off(T)[3] USP消音版(CT) P2000(CT) FN57(CT) 格洛克18型(T) Tec-9(T) 雙持貝瑞塔 P250 CZ75自動手槍 ...
When finally arrested by police, Onoprienko was found to be in possession of a total of 122 items, including a sawed-off TOZ-34 shotgun, a number...
You'd get bumped off if beef ever jumped offI never come soft, I gotta pump that sawed-offAnd when I let slugs out, you will get rugged ...
It's a sawed-off double barrelTrigger happy as can beCupid's got a shotgun and he's pointing it at meYeah Cupid's got a shotgun...
call us, ain't married to the game But you probably shouldn't have came to the altar Every bar like propane for the sawed-off, using (...
every word is like a sawed-off blast 'cause y'all all soft and I'm the black hearse that came to haul y'all ass in it's for the hood by th...