- 外文名:satisfying
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ]
- 美式發音:[ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ]
命題公式成真指派(satisfying assignment of a propositional formula)是使命題公式的真值為真的指派。例如,設公式a= (p->q) V r.對應於指派(T,F,T),a的真值為T,所以(T,F,T)稱為a的成真指派.有缺指派亦可為成真指派.例如...
命題公式飽和成真指派(saturated satisfying assignment of a propositional formula)一種特殊的成真指派.指其任何加缺指派均不是成真指派的成真指派。驗證過程 設a= (p->q>八r. f=(h',T,h')為a的成真指派,但不是飽和成真指派,...
吉利遠景S1名稱中的字母“S”源自產品五大核心價值:Sharp(鋒睿造型)、Smart(便捷智聯)、Safe(周全防護)、Satisfying(暢意舒適)、Sporty(澎湃駕趣)。車型簡介 新穎派風格 吉利遠景S1在廣州車展正式上市,吉利S1定是吉利汽車繼帝豪...
What does it tell you about the satisfying assignments in the original CNF if the resulting CNF is now not satisfiable?它是什麼如果得到的CNF現在告訴你們關於滿足作業在原有的CNF不滿足?It was shown that the detail ...
布萊頓·希勒博士對MIDAS如是說:I created the MIDAS in 1987 to help people to achieve their full intellectual potential and live satisfying and rewarding lives as valued members of their community. This work has taken me ...
1. L. Song and L.X. Yan, A maximalfunction characterization for Hardy spaces associated to nonnegativeself-adjoint operators satisfying Gaussian estimates, Advances in Mathematics, 287 (2016), 463-484.2. Z.W. Shen ...
eigenfunction,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[數] 特徵函式(等於proper function)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 eigenfunction /ˈaɪɡənˌfʌŋkʃən/ 1.N a function satisfying a differential ...
十公畝 雙語例句 Under the condition of satisfying the operating requirements, small sized shear rings should be selected to decare the releasing force.在滿足使用的條件下,應儘量選用小規格的剪環,以減小封隔器的解封力。
[10]The entropy satisfying discontinuous Galerkin method for Fokker-Planck equations. With Hailiang Liu. Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol 62, Issue 3, pp. 803-830, 2015.[11]Maximum-principle-satisfying third order ...
pigout,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“一頓大吃;過量的一頓”。雙語例句 A satisfying dinner will help you avoid a late-night pigout.一個頓滿意的晚餐可以幫你避免晚上的大吃大喝。單詞釋義 強盜豬 在本站查看更多...
1.N formal permission given to a vessel to use a foreign port upon satisfying the requirements of local health authorities (檢役後發給船隻的)入港許可; 給船隻可使用國外港口的正式允許,只要其符合當地衛生當局的條件即可 短語...
With consummate skill, Linda Fairstein has created an outstanding crime novel, layered with the history of New York, the roller-coaster everyday life of a prosecutor and culminating with a surprising but satisfying denouement...
查爾斯·米爾·韋伯是一位英國畫家。代表作品有《News from the Front 》《A Satisfying Meal 》等。藝術風格 查爾斯·韋伯 是19世紀的風俗題材 畫家,以19世紀的貴族人物和風俗畫而聞名。 生平經歷 查爾斯·米爾·韋伯...
contemporary philosopher Jean Baudrillard and the new 'star' of global culture - architecture. In a world in which images have become a substitute for reality - i.e. simulacra capable of both stimulating and satisfying ...
A finite semigroup is an IC abundant semigroup satisfying the left rgularity condition if and only if it is an orthodox superabundant semigroup whose idempotents form a left regular band.一個有限半群是滿足左正則性條件...
not that child will be successful later in life. A child with high emotional intelligence (EQ) has good self-control, resilience, and empathy--all factors that help build a foundation for a more grounded, satisfying, ...