n. (天然)樹脂;合成樹脂,人造樹脂
v. 用樹脂塗(或處理)
The plastic resin is used in a wide range of products, including electrical wire insulation. 塑膠合成樹脂被廣泛套用到各種產品中,包括電線的絕緣層。
The bark was stretched over frames made from tree branches, stitched together and sealed with resin. 樹皮被鋪在由樹枝製成的框架上,然後將它們縫合在一起,最後用樹脂密封。
The bark was stretched over frames made from tree branches, stitched together and sealed with resin—you know that the sticky liquid that comes out of the tree—and when it dries, it's watertight. 樹皮在用樹枝做好的框架中被拉長、延展,然後縫合在一起並用樹脂密封好,就是那些從樹中流出的黏黏的液體。當它幹了以後就不漏水了。
A blend with better properties could be obtained by adding phenolic resin tin bichloride curative. 通過添加酚醛樹脂二氯化錫固化劑可以獲得性能更好的共混物。
The air drying property of unsaturated polyester resin prepared from dipropylene glycol monoallyl ether was studied. 研究了由二丙二醇單烯丙基醚製得的不飽和聚酯樹脂的風乾性能。
The researches show that the content of resin and the relative molecular mass of maltene decrease as the reaction progress. 研究表明,隨著反應的進行,樹脂含量和相對分子質量降低。
It introduces how to synthesize acrylic acid, acrylate and phenylethene quadripolymer into alcohol-soluble acrylic resin. 它介紹了丙烯酸、丙烯酸脂、苯乙烯四元共聚合成醇溶性聚丙烯酸脂類的方法。
Download Resin from the company Web site. 從該公司的Web站點下載Resin。
One resin they used we know only existed in Burma. 就我們所知他們使用的一種樹脂只在緬甸存在。
Resin is then injected into the molds to bond the fibres together. 將樹脂灌入模型,從而使得纖維相互粘合在一起。
This is to employ an ion-exchange resin in addition to the membranes. 在薄膜上加上一層離子交換樹脂。
At the end, the excess soft resin is cleaned away using a chemical bath. 最後,多餘的軟樹脂會用化學試劑衝掉。
The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there. 並且那地的金子是好的;在那裡又有珍珠和紅瑪瑙。
Each individual iRetrofone is hand-sculpted and hand-cast in urethane resin. 每台iRetrofone均用聚氨酯樹脂手工雕刻和鑄造而成。
The carbon matting, drenched in resin, is compressed into a mold to harden it. 這種碳墊子,還是樹脂製品時就弄濕了,得壓縮成型使其變硬。
Download the Resin application server from the company Web site (see Resources). 從公司Web站點下載Resin套用伺服器(參見參考資料)。
First, the carbon cloth goes into the mould dry, rather than pre-impregnated with resin. 第一,碳織物進入模具時是乾的,而非事先飽含樹脂。
A fine coating of resin is done after the painting in order to make a shining appearance. 在畫完之後塗上薄薄的一層優良樹脂,為了讓它表面看起來閃閃發亮。
It also has resin trees that can be tapped, among other things, for oil used for lighting. 樹脂可以割膠,提煉的油可供照明。
The oil and the resin will not mix, so the result is droplets of resin floating in the oil. 油和樹脂不會混合,所以出現樹脂滴浮在油中的效果。
The “resin process, ” he explained, was just a varnish applied to help the prints stand out. “樹脂工藝,”他解釋說,只是一種讓指紋更加明顯的亮光顏料。
The tool presses the sheets together and only then injects epoxy resin into them under pressure. 模具將板材衝壓在一起,此時加壓注入環氧樹脂。
"Woman with Child in Stroller" is a life-sized, painted resin piece created by Duane Hanson in 1985. 《推嬰兒車的女士》其實是杜安·漢森於1985年創作的一幅等身樹脂油畫。
Indeed, that is precisely what Dr Elmqvist used to create moulds for his epoxy-resin generators. 事實上DrElmq vist最早就是用鞋油盒來為環氧基樹脂製成的發電器做模子。
The bees collect far more of their “cologne” from other sources, such as tree resin, fungi and leaves. 蘭蜂更多地從樹脂、真菌和樹葉中採集它們的“古龍香水”。
The resin-heavy broth transforms would-be standard pub fare into a debutante’s delight of a dinner. 松脂味濃郁的牛肉湯將一道準酒館菜餚演變為少女初涉晚宴般的喜悅。
The beak, which was created from synthetic resin, may allow the bird to return to life in the wild. 用合成松脂製成的鳥喙也許能讓這隻鳥重返野外生存。
The heat transforms the liquid into a resin, which makes the cell walls of the wood thicker and stronger. 液體就會在高溫下變成一種樹脂,可以使得木材的細胞壁變厚。