



  • 外文名:reproducible
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˌriːprəˈdjuːsəbl]
  • 美式發音:[ˌriːprəˈduːsəbl]


reproducible medium 繁殖和保藏培養基
reproducible temperature 再現溫度
reproducible capital 可再生資本
reproducible Bugs 可重現的錯誤
unreproducible Bugs 不可重現的錯誤
reproducible utilization 可再生利用
reproducible software 可再用軟體
track reproducible 軌跡可再現
reproducible result 可重複的結果
reproducible record 可重現式記錄


  • 1A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science.一些心理學雜誌已經創建了激勵機制來提高人們對可再生科學的興趣。
  • 2A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science for example, by affixing an 'open data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.一些心理學雜誌已經創造了激勵機制來增加對可再生科學的興趣,例如,通過在文章上貼上一個‘開放數據’的標籤來明確說明數據在哪裡可以獲得。
  • 3Eye of newt goes into the little black bag, if and only if there is reproducible scientific evidence that it works.若且唯若有可重複的科學證據證明蠑螈之眼有效時,蠑螈之眼才會進入小黑袋中。
  • 4Much easier to keep a flask of cells under very sterile, very reproducible conditions than it is to keep a small animal, right?保存一小瓶細胞,該細胞可在無菌條件下再生,這要比保存小動物容易的多,對嗎?
  • 5A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science—for example, by affixing an 'open-data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.一些心理學雜誌已經創建了激勵機制來提高人們對可複製科學的興趣——例如,在明確說明可以在哪裡獲得數據的文章上附上“開放數據”的標籤。
  • 6It is a kind of clean and reproducible energy.它是一種可再生的清潔能源。
  • 7Systematize a popular service into a reproducible product.將一個受歡迎的服務系統化,做成一件可再生的產品。
  • 8These are all reproducible but they aren't reproducible easily.這些都是可以複製的,但是複製起來並不容易。
  • 9Results: This methods was quick, simple, accurate and reproducible.結果:該法快速簡便,準確性高,重現性好。
  • 10If it's reproducible then it's just a matter of time until it's found.如果是可再生那么它只是一個時間問題,直到它找到。
  • 11A reproducible crash is one that can be repeated by following a sequence of steps.可重複的崩潰(reproducible crash)是一種可通過一系列步驟重複的崩潰。
  • 12The second method is favored by most authors as it is more accurately reproducible.大部分作者更偏好第二種方法,因為這種方法能夠更加準確地重複。
  • 13A fully automated and reproducible build, including testing, that runs many times a day.一個全自動化和可再生的構建,包括測試,一天運行多次。
  • 14An accurate and reproducible method can be used for the quality control of health food.該方法準確,重現性好,可作為此保健食品的質量控制標準。
  • 15I think he was mostly right, but the problem was that his results weren't 100% reproducible.我想他基本上是對的,但是問題在於他的結果不是100%可重複。
  • 16The objective of the XSDs is to guarantee that the type sent has a reproducible version on the other end.XSD 的目的是確保傳送的類型在其他終端有可複寫的版本。
  • 17Even small environments benefit from scripting simply due to the reproducible action scripts provide.由於腳本可以提供可重複的操作,即使是小環境也可以從腳本中獲益。
  • 18Nothing beats having real people manually run through some easily-reproducible (and verifiable) tests by hand.沒有什麼東西可以與讓人手工運行一些容易重現(並且可驗證)的測試相提並論。
  • 19Regular deployments also help keep your system manageable and your environment in a clean, reproducible state.定期的部署還有助於使系統保持可管理,並讓環境保持清潔、可再現的狀態。
  • 20These may provide a framework for the process which is reproducible in method, but not necessarily in results.這些可能提供了一個框架的過程是重複性的方法,但不一定結果。
  • 21On the other hand, if I want to observe a reproducible problem in "real time," I use Sysinternals Process Explorer.另一方面,如果我要“實時”觀察重複問題,我會使用Sysinternals Process Explorer。
  • 22Before you record a session with a Citrix application, the behavior of that application must be perfectly reproducible.當您使用Citrix應用程式記錄一個會話前,這個應用程式的行為必須是完全可複製的。
  • 23Also, changes move from development to test, and ultimately into production in a consistent, orderly, and reproducible manner.而且,當改變由開發階段進入測試階段時,就從根本上提供了一個一致的、有序的、可重現的產品。
  • 24Such instances are automatically configured for the target usage thus ensuring any environment is reproducible from scratch.這些實例根據目標領域進行自動配置,因此可以確保任何環境都可以從頭開始重建。
  • 25Electrophysical monitoring of these patients was considered to have been successful if reproducible signals had been obtained.這些患者的電生理監測如果可以得到重複的信號就被認為是成功的。
  • 26My first step in trying to isolate the problems reported by the tester was to come up with some simple, reproducible test cases.為了將測試人員報告的問題剔出,我採取的第一個步驟是找出幾個簡單的、可重複的測試案例。
  • 27Methods you call shouldn't depend on the mutable state of any object and should return fully reproducible and predictable results.您所調用的方法不應依賴於任何對象的易變狀態,而應返回可再生產、可預測的結果。
  • 28He lost everything, his lab, his money.... I think he was mostly right, but the problem was that his results weren't 100% reproducible.他失去了所有,他的實驗室,他的錢……我想他基本上是對的,但是問題在於他的結果不是100%可重複。
  • 29Digital seems like it's forever because it's infinitely reproducible, but someone has to think to make that canonical copy or it's gone-gone.因此無限可再生性,數位化的東西似乎是永恆的,但必須有人想到要做出一個標準的複製品,否則的話它只有煙消雲散,一去不復返。


