- 外文名:reflectometry
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[rɪ'flɛktɚ,metri]
- 釋義:反射計
中子反射(Neutron reflectometry)是一種測量薄膜結構的中子衍射技術,類似於常用的互補性X射線反射與橢圓偏振技術。該技術可在非常廣泛的科學技術套用範圍提供有價值信息,包括化學聚合、高分子與表面吸附、磁性薄膜結構、生物膜等。技術細節 ...
GNSS -reflectometry或GNSS-remote 的簡寫,利用GNSS等導航系統反射信號,反演海洋,地表,植被等物理參數的遙感手段。主要分為GNSS-R與GNSS-IR兩類。主要套用範圍:分類:陸基,星載,機載 海洋遙感:海面高度,粗糙度,鹽度,風速,風向...
TDR( Time domain reflectometry),即時域反射技術,是雷達探測技術的一種套用。早期主要套用於通訊行業中,用來檢測通信電纜的斷點位置,因此又稱為“電纜探測儀”。時域反射儀是一種電子儀器,它使用時域反射計來表征和定位金屬電纜(例如...
早在60年代就產生了時域反射計TDR(Time-Domain Reflectometry)技術。該技術包括產生沿傳輸線傳播的時間階躍電壓。用示波器檢測來自阻抗的反射,測量輸入電壓與反射電壓比,從而計算不連續的阻抗。定義 傳統TDR可作為定性工具使用,下面列出...
土壤水分監測儀,它是基於頻域反射(Frequency Domain Reflectometry,FDR)原理,能夠準確對感測器周圍的土壤水分情況進行監測,可對10cm、20cm、30cm、40cm、50cm的最多5個監測層面進行測量。廣泛套用於農田蒸散、作物耗水、森林水文、濕地...
2.4 Multiple—point borehole extensometers 7.2.5 Hydraulic pressure cells 7.2.6 Stress change measurements 7.2.7 Monitoring microseismic activity 7.2.8 Time domain reflectometry Exercises課後習題 Reference參考文獻 ...
K. Yu, C. Rizos and A. Dempster, “GNSS Reflectometry for Ocean and Land Applications,”Remote Sensing Handbook, (Prasad S. Thenkabail, editor), Taylor & Francis, to appear K. Yu, I. Sharp and Y. J. Guo,...
10.X. Zhang, Y. Song, and L. Lu, Time Division Multiplexing Optical Time Domain Reflectometry Based on Dual Frequency Probe, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24, 2005-2008 (2012).11.R. Wang, Y. Song, and X. ...
(21) Mingjia Shanguan, Chong Wang,Haiyun Xia, Guoliang Shentu, Xiankang Dou, Qiang Zhang, and Jian-Wei Pan, "Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry for fast detection of dynamic strain incorporating double-edge techni...
10. ELM mitigation by SMBI in HL-2A tokamakW.W. Xiao,et al.,10th International Reflectometry Workshop, May 4th-6th, Padova, Italy, (2011)11.Experimental Study of Particle Transport with SMBI and ECRHinHL-2A Tokamak...
9.3 Timedomain Reflectometry Reading Material Lesson 10 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Optical Properties of Radio Waves 10.3 Terrestrial Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Reading Material Lesson 11 ...
17. Zhan Liangtong, Guo Qimeng, Mu Qingyi*, Chen Yunmin. (2021). Detection of ionic contaminants in unsaturated soils using time domain reflectometry penetrometer. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80:330.16. Zhan Liangtong,...
4.Lu, Y.L., X.N. Liu, M. Zhang, J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2018. Summary of thermo–time domain reflectometry method: advances in monitoring in situ soil bulk density, Soil Science Society of ...