



  • 外文名:radically
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈrædɪkli]
  • 美式發音:[ˈrædɪkli]


radically y 根本地 ; 徹底地 ; 完全地
depart radically 根本地背離
include radically 根本上包含
More Radically 更為激進
enhance radically 根本性地提高
loosen radically 徹底地鬆開
radically dielectric 徑向絕緣
radically reform 正本清源
radically incomplete 極其片面


  • 1Increased professionalism has changed the game radically.職業運動員日益增加,徹底改變了這項運動。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife.地貌徹底改變,嚴重損害了野生動物。《牛津詞典》
  • 3It radically transformed the state's economy.它從根本上改變了該國的經濟。
  • 4However, it was another interest that led Leah to radically reinvent herself.然而,正是另一個興趣讓莉婭徹底地重塑了自己。
  • 5The end of the Cold War radically altered the very nature of the world's politics and economics.冷戰的結束從根本上改變了世界政治和經濟的本質。
  • 6Mondrian's works are deceptively simple, but eye-tracking studies confirm that they are meticulously composed, and that simply rotating a piece radically changes the way we view it.蒙德里安的作品看似簡單,但眼球追蹤研究證實它們是經過精心創作的,而且簡單地旋轉下一件作品,就會從根本上改變我們看待它的方式。
  • 7Attitudes have changed radically.態度發生了根本的變化。《牛津詞典》
  • 8The new methods are radically different from the old.新的方法迥然不同於舊的方法。《牛津詞典》
  • 9Would the U.S. be radically different today if Kennedy had not been assassinated?如果甘迺迪沒有被刺殺,今天的美國會大不相同嗎?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10The ideological makeup of the unions is now radically different from what it had been.這些協會的意識形態構成如今與過去大相逕庭。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11In the process, she built a radically new life and career.在這個過程中,她創建了新生活、新事業。
  • 12The building style is radically different from what was the fashion of the period.建築風格與當時流行的風格完全不同。
  • 13New problems and new possibilities mean we can think in new ways, find radically different approaches.新的問題和新的可能性意味著我們可以用新的方式思考,並尋找完全不同的方法。
  • 14We want many of the same things as liberals—less poverty, more health care—but have radically different ideas on how to achieve it.我們想要的很多東西和自由主義者想要的一樣:減少貧困、增加醫療保障。但關於如何實現這些,我們卻有著截然不同的想法。
  • 15Computers increasingly become principal actors in leveraging data to formulate questions, which requires radically new ways of reasoning.計算機日益成為利用數據來制定問題的主要角色,而這需要全新的推理方法。
  • 16While most old universities have modernised radically to accommodate their growing populations, Oxford has managed to expand while still preserving its traditional structure.當大多數古老的大學都進行了徹底的現代化以適應它們不斷增長的人口時,牛津大學卻成功地在擴張的同時保留了它的傳統結構。
  • 17According to this line of thought, the verbal abilities that blossom in the two year old allow events to be coded in a form radically different from the action-based codes of the infant.根據這個思路,兩歲的兒童發展出的語言能力可以使他們對事件的組織方式與嬰兒基於動作的組織方式有根本的差異。
  • 18Not that this is radically new.這在本質上倒不是新的。
  • 19It might even change what you do radically.這也許是從根本上改變了你所作的。
  • 20Now I do something radically different.現在我做些徹底的改變。
  • 21The XP approach is radically different.XP方法是截然不同的。
  • 22You will read radically diverse things.你將讀到一些完全不同的東西。
  • 23Etiquette changes radically but it always exists.禮節不斷地在改變,但是卻一直存在。
  • 24Once you do this, meeting girls will radically change.一旦這么做在對付女孩子這方面你會得到徹底的改變。
  • 25Natural selection is a radically environmentalist theory.自然選擇是一個徹底的環保理論。
  • 26You will need to radically change your thinking about life.你將需要在根本上改變你對生活的想法。
  • 27We do not expect social media to radically change what we do.我們並不認為社會媒體將在根本上改變我們所做的。
  • 28Nothing dates more quickly than a radically styled watch.沒有什麼會比一塊風格激進的手錶過時得更快。


