Since when can a mineral makeup also perform as skin care? Or one serum do the work of an entire regimen? Starting now.
At Pür Minerals, we have pioneered a performance-based line of colour cosmetics and skin care treatments designed for optimal skin fitness and health. Our pressed mineral colour formulations are specially engineered with good-for-your-skin ingredients that not only offer exceptional coverage, but also nourish and condition the skin for a healthy radiance. And our multitasking skin care products eliminate the need for complicated regimens to keep your beauty pür and simple.我們在高密度礦物質,開闢了一條線的色彩化妝品和性能化設計為最佳治療皮膚護理皮膚健康。我們按顏色配方是專門設計礦物成分與對您的肌膚有益,不僅提供非凡的覆蓋面,但也滋養皮膚和條件對於一個健康的光芒。和我們的多任務的護膚品,消除需要複雜的方案來保持你的美貌pur和簡單。purminerals礦物眼影
Because you demand more from your beauty, we invite you to experience Pür Minerals and see the difference skin fitness can make.