



  • 外文名:prosperous
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 釋義:繁榮的;興旺的


英 [ˈprɒspərəs] 美 [ˈprɑːspərəs]


Glittering Prosperous 華麗耀眼的
Comparatively Prosperous 小康
Prosperous Lake 行駛在昌湖


  • 1Dirty streets are no advertisement for a prosperous society.骯髒的街道絕不是繁榮社會的景象。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Dirty streets and homelessness are no advertisement for a prosperous society.骯髒的街道和無家可歸現象絕不是繁榮社會的景象。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Barcelona has become one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in the Mediterranean.巴塞隆納已經成為地中海地區最具活力、最為繁榮的城市之一。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.我們堅定的信念是衛生保健的改善會帶來更加茁壯、繁榮的經濟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling.這一帶越來越繁華了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6Today's unified Germany is more prosperous and stable than at any time in its long, troubled history.如今,統一後的德國比其漫長而動盪的歷史上的任何時候都更加繁榮和穩定。
  • 7The most prosperous period for Phoenicia was the 10th century BC when the surrounding region was stable.腓尼基最繁榮的時期是公元前10世紀,當時周邊地區的情況較穩定。
  • 8We are confident that our country will be more powerful and prosperous in the process of relieving poverty.我們相信我們的國家在扶貧過程中會變得更加強大和繁榮。
  • 9Trade between the West and the settled and prosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies.西方國家和繁榮穩定的歷代中國朝代之間的貿易促使雙方互相引入了新的形式和不同的技術。
  • 10America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.美國的繁榮和美國人的富足超出了經濟被戰爭摧毀的歐洲人和亞洲人的夢想。
  • 11In today's prosperous and increasingly conservative Japan, the traditional omiai kekkon, or arranged marriage, is thriving.在如今繁榮而日益保守的日本,傳統的 omiai kekkon,也就是包辦婚姻,正蓬勃發展。
  • 12In prosperous northern Indian states, women whose families have failed to stump up a sufficient dowry still get killed or disfigured.在繁榮的印度北部地區,如果女子的家人不能拿出足夠的嫁妝,她們還會被殺或是毀容。
  • 13Migration from rural areas to urban cities has become a common phenomenon as the youth want to seek a better and more prosperous life.從農村到城市的移居已經成為一種普遍現象,因為年輕人想要追求更好、更繁榮的生活。
  • 14Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world.兩次世界大戰和一次經濟大蕭條動搖了許多人的信心——他們原本以為,單憑科學知識就可以創造一個繁榮有序的世界。
  • 15For as long as anyone can remember, Piedmont's character has been completely bound up with the Westvaco paper mill: its prosperous past and doubtful future.因為只要有人還能記得,皮埃蒙特的特性就一直與維實偉克造紙廠完全綁定在一起:它繁榮的過去和不確定的未來。
  • 16But innovation, broadly defined, is the crucial ingredient in all economic progress—higher growth for nations, more competitive products for companies, and more prosperous careers for individuals.但是,廣義上來說,創新是所有經濟進步的關鍵因素——它使得國家經濟成長更快,公司產品更有競爭力,個人事業更興旺發達。
  • 17It's good to see you looking so prosperous.看到你成功的樣子真是令人高興。《牛津詞典》
  • 18His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business.他的繼父曾經營一家生意興旺的塗料公司。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 19The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.這個國家即將變得繁榮昌盛。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 20The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains.富裕的西部和貧窮的東部之間的對立依然存在。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21It's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous.富人比不太有錢的人給慈善機構相對更多捐贈是一種謬見。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 22I hope that China will become a successful and prosperous country.我希望中國將成為一個成功和繁榮的國家。
  • 23It has led the Chinese nation to stand up, become prosperous and grow strong.它領導中華民族站起來、富起來、強起來。
  • 24I honestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future.我真心希望以後能夠過上健康富裕的生活。
  • 25Other golden rules counsel us to master ourselves, to avoid excess and not to be a prosperous fool.其他黃金法則建議我們控制自己,避免無節制,不要做一個富足的傻瓜。
  • 26Migration from rural areas to urban cities has become a common phenomenon as the youth want to seek a more prosperous life.從農村到城市的移居已經成為一種普遍的現象,因為年輕人想要追求更富裕的生活。
  • 27Good self-control can be set to run in families in that children who have good self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents.良好的自控能力是可以在家庭中延續的,因為有良好自控能力的孩子更有可能成長為健康和富裕的父母。
  • 28Long-distance trade in obsidian probably gave the elite residents of Teotihuacán access to a wide variety of exotic good, as well as a relatively prosperous life.黑曜石的長途貿易可能給特奧蒂瓦坎的精英居民提供了各種各樣的異國商品,以及相對富裕的生活。
  • 29Innovation, broadly defined, is the crucial ingredient in all economic progress—higher growth for nations, more competitive products for companies, and more prosperous careers for individuals.從廣義上來說,創新是所有經濟發展的關鍵因素——它使得國家經濟成長更快,公司產品更有競爭力,個人事業更光明順遂。
  • 30What is clear is that all sorts of government issues—education, health-insurance portability, worker retraining—arc no longer just bonuses to already prosperous lives but existential requirements.清楚的是,政府的各種問題——教育、醫療保險的可轉移性、員工再培訓——不再僅僅是對已經富裕的生活的獎金,而是一種存在的需求。


