



  • 外文名:preparedness
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[prɪˈpeərɪdnəs]
  • 美式發音:[prɪˈperdnəs]


preparedness /prɪˈpɛərɪdnɪs/
1.N-UNCOUNTPreparedness is the state of being ready for something to happen, especially for war or a disaster. (尤指軍事、災難)準備; 做好準備 [正式]


preparedness planning 準備工作的規劃
Preparedness activities 活動準備
Preparedness Movement 備戰運動
emergency preparedness 應急準備
preparedness system 防禦體系
biological preparedness 性準備
preparedness meter 滅火計算尺
And Preparedness 及備戰


  • 1Of course you will come to your discussion sections in the same state of joyful preparedness.你們當然需要參與到討論中來,並做好充分的課前準備。
  • 2The troops are in a state of preparedness.軍隊處於備戰狀態。《牛津詞典》
  • 3I was surprised by his preparedness to break the law.我對他打算以身試法感到驚訝。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The situation in the capital forced them to maintain military preparedness.首都的局勢迫使他們時刻做好軍事準備。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5It's called the Pan-Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project, which is quite a mouthful.它被稱為泛加勒比海災難準備及預防計畫,挺繞嘴的一個名字。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The hundreds of scholars who signed the letter are intent on quieting hope that ignores preparedness.簽署這封信的數百名學者希望消除不做應對準備的幻想。
  • 7If one is prepared, one will be safe; if not, one will suffer.; preparedness ensures security; unpreparedness invites disaster.有備才能無患,無備必定吃虧。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 8Scientific preparedness is improving too.科學防範工作也在不斷進步。
  • 9Objective 4.3: To improve disaster preparedness.目標4.3:改善防災準備。
  • 10Improving global preparedness for future pandemics.加強全球對未來大流行的防範能力。
  • 11It can also be interpreted as a lack of preparedness.也可以理解為缺乏準備。
  • 12WHO guidance: pandemic influenza preparedness and response?大流行流感的防範和應對指南。
  • 13Preparedness plans need to be written, rehearsed and tested.有必要擬寫、演練和檢驗防範計畫。
  • 14The concern is rightly placed, as is the emphasis on preparedness.這種關注以及對防範的重視都是十分恰當的。
  • 15Publicly, Mr Kan has lambasted the company's tsunami-preparedness.菅直人首相還公開斥責公司在面對海嘯時的準備不周。
  • 16Pandemic influenza preparedness and response: a WHO guidance document.大流行性流感的防範和應對:世界衛生組織指導檔案。
  • 17Therefore WHO continues to urge countries to develop preparedness plans.因此,世衛組織必須敦促各國制定防備計畫。
  • 18Effective control measures rely on prevention, preparedness and response.有效的控制措施依靠預防、防備和應對活動。
  • 19The move to phase 5 activated a number of stepped up preparedness measures.提高到5級後,很多高級的準備措施得到了使用。
  • 20FAO also plays a crucial role in prevention, preparedness and early warning.糧農組織還在防災、備災和預警方面發揮至關重要的作用。
  • 21All countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans.所有國家都應當立即啟動應對流感大流行的預案。
  • 22How will this preparedness serve the world as the pandemic continues to evolve?隨著流行性疾病不斷向前進化,如此的準備將怎樣保護地球呢?
  • 23As I said, preparedness measures on multiple levels have already been launched.正如我說過的,已經在多個層面實施防範措施。
  • 24Preparedness requires Shared responsibility and collective action on multiple fronts.防範需要在多方面分擔責任和共同開展行動。
  • 25Surveillance for preparedness and alert must be tailor-made and fine-tuned for dengue.為防範和預警進行的監測必須針對登革熱來制定和調整。
  • 26Attempts to dial down preparedness plans to suit a less severe event were problematic.試圖調低防備計畫,使其迎合不太嚴重的事件,存有問題。
  • 27Hundreds of health professionals worldwide have been trained in emergency preparedness.世界各地有許多衛生專業人員接受了防災應急培訓。
  • 28I am often asked if the effort invested in pandemic preparedness is a waste of resources.常有人問我,對大流行防範投入的人力物力是不是在浪費資源。
  • 29This may mean that we have some more years in which to improve preparedness, or it may not.這或許意味著我們能多有幾年時間來改進防範工作,但也許沒有。


