- 外文名:posterity
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[pɒˈsterəti]
- 美式發音:[pɑːˈsterəti]
Ourselves and Our Posterity 《Ourselves and Our Posterity》是一本圖書,作者是Watson, Bradley C. S.
《Message for Posterity》是由Eric Porter、約翰·內維爾主演的電影,由Dennis Potter擔任編劇。劇情簡介 Cast member Bruce Alexander recalled: "'Message for Posterity' was remade as a tribute to [Dennis Potter] just after his death the original recording of the early 60's having been lost by the ...
比如,作品中在講述有關於“不寬容”的內容時,其向讀者講述了來自於“無知谷”的祖先們,將其無知和愚味通過洋洋灑灑的近義詞等一一闡述,如“blasphemy0 "sacrilege" "posterity"等,除了這些詞語以外,作品中還運用到許多非常簡單而易懂的語言,並且都是一些日常用詞,這一寫作手法貫穿於整部作品,為此,讀者在...
子孫,漢語辭彙。拼音:zǐ sūn 基本解釋:1、 [children and grandchildren]∶兒子和孫子2、 [descendants;offspring;posterity]∶泛指後代3、僅指兒子 釋義 1、兒子和孫子,泛指後代。2、單指兒子。出處 《書·洪範》:“身其康強,子孫其逢吉。”例句 1、兒子和孫子,泛指後代 《書·洪範》:“身其康強,...
perplexity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“困惑,茫然”。單詞釋義 英 [pəˈpleksəti] 美 [pərˈpleksəti] n. 困惑,茫然;令人困惑的情形,令人費解的事物 [ 複數 perplexities ]短語搭配 Posterity And Perplexity 碧雲天 Love the perplexity 愛的迷茫 Start the perplexity 開始迷茫...
progeny, descendants, posterity 什麼裔就是有什麼血統的人,一般指祖先發源自這裡,跟這裡人生活的或曾經生活的人有血緣關係就叫什麼裔人。詳細解釋 裔 yì 【名】(形聲。衣袖。也指衣裳的前襟。本義:衣服的邊緣)同本義 [hem]。也泛指邊沿 麋何食兮庭中,蛟何為兮水裔。——《楚辭》又如:裔邑(邊地)邊遠的...
23Posterity will remember him as a great man.後人將會記住他是個偉人。《牛津詞典》24Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth.別忘記,你宣過誓要講實話。《牛津詞典》25I want people to remember Elvis in concert.我希望人們記住現場表演的埃爾維斯。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》26He could never quite ...
Text Reclaiming the Intellectual Life for Posterity Further Reading Diogenes and Alexander Reading Appreciation I Am a Scientist Unit Five Text Japanese and American Workers:Two Casts of Mind Further Reading The Art of Global Thinking: East,West: Conflicting or Complementary?Reading Appreciation Russell ...
(same as 胤)the succession in a family; posterity; heirs, to inherit; to follow after 古籍釋義 康熙字典 胤【未集下】【肉部】康熙筆畫:11畫部外筆畫:5畫 〔古文〕《廣韻》羊晉切《正韻》羊進切,音孕。《說文》子孫相承續也。從肉從八,象其長也。麼亦象重累也。《廣韻》繼也,嗣也。《書...
his day, this time with the aid of a few trusted friends. He sent to the cloister where his early training had been received and called to himself three brethren, whom he bound by an oath to preserve inviolate the secrets he should impart and to write down for the sake of posterity ...
people”一詞,源自於美國聯邦憲法序言:“ We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, ...
Power Habit Unit 5 Text A The Author′s Account of Himself Text B The Far and The Near Unit 6 Text A From Competence to Commitment Text B Reclaiming the Intellectual Life for Posterity Unit 7 Text A Beauty Text B The E Word Unit 8 Text A Culture Shock Text B Managerial Caricatures ...
I have but a moment to make them, but this moment will fix the attention of the remotest posterity. Under the Old Regime, all was vicious, all was guilty; but could not the amelioration of conditions be perceived even in the substance of vices? A woman only had to be beautiful or amia...
Of his self-love, to stop posterity?Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee Calls back the lovely April of her prime;So thou through windows of thine age shalt see,Despite of wrinkles, this thy golden time.But if thou live rememb'red not to be,Die single, and thine image ...
child descendant offspring posterity 組成創分 component constituent ingredient 第三部分 形容詞Adjective 昂貴的 costly dear expensive 傲慢的 arrogant haughty insolent Proud supercilious 必然發生的 bound certain inescapable inevitable inexorabe 必要的 essential indisensble necessary prerequisite requisite 博學的 ...
antecedence,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“先行;居先;在先”。單詞用法 N precedence; priority 居先 短語搭配 antecedence graph 先行圖 antecedence indicator 優先唆使符 antecedence posterity 祖先 antecedence proassurance 居先在前記號 Curriculum Antecedence 先行課程 base antecedence 基優先權 i...
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution fo...
We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment ...
25Dare not boast of good, frighten posterity never boast become don't talk.敢說大話的人得不到好下場,嚇得後人從不說大話變成不說話。26You mean to frighten me, Mr. Darcy, by coming in all this state to hear me?達西先生,你這樣走過來聽,莫不是想嚇唬我?27Frighten She was frightened to ...
20A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity.一位攝影師為子孫後代攝下了這個場面。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》21Both drivers were breathalysed at the scene of the accident.兩方司機均在事故現場接受了呼氣酒精檢測。《牛津詞典》22I'm sorry I made such a scene.很抱歉我剛才發了這么一通火...
Leaving no posterity:-- 'Twas not their infirmity,It was married chastity.Truth may seem, but cannot be:Beauty brag, but 'tis not she;Truth and beauty buried be.To this urn let those repair That are either true or fair;For these dead birds sigh a prayer.譯文 讓那歌喉最響亮的鳥雀,飛...
13There will be no sticking your masterwork on the shelf and waiting for posterity14 to turn up, like Samuel Pepys15.你不能像塞繆爾·佩皮斯那樣,把自己的傑作放在書架上,等待子孫後代來發現。14For the creation of a masterwork literature two powers must concur, the power of the man and the ...
Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to snap off a picture, preserving the soapy creature for posterity. 幸虧現場有人還保持著清醒的頭腦,迅速拿出相機捕捉到這一幕,將這個肥皂泡動物的瞬間永遠記錄下來。Before you toss it, try boiling it in 1-2 cups vinegar for 10 minutes, followed by a...
baby,P.R.E.N.U.P. Prenup, babygirl, prenup, baby,P.R.E.N.U.P. In a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Self-R.E.S.P.E.C.T. F.Y.I.,I'm T.C.B.Cause I.O.U. nothin' baby,My P.O.V.'s here for posterity So you'll be free A.S.A.P. P.R.E.N.U.P,P.R.E.N.U.P.
紆尊降貴 [表不滿]短語搭配 About Condescension 謙讓類 Your Condescension 你謙虛 condescension humility 謙虛 condescension detail 硬要人家領情的態度 Condescension In We Row 屈尊在咱們行 But Advocates Condescension 而提倡謙虛 strategies of condescension 屈尊策略 immense condescension of posterity 賜的態度 ...
Item21:Designinterfacesforposterity104 Item22:Useinterfacesonlytodefinetypes.107 Item23:Preferclasshierarchiestotaggedclasses109 Item24:Favorstaticmemberclassesovernonstatic112 Item25:Limitsourcefilestoasingletop-levelclass115 5Generics.117 Item26:Don’tuserawtypes117 Item27:Eliminateuncheckedwarnings.123 Item28...