- 外文名:pleasurable
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈpleʒərəbl]
- 美式發音:[ˈpleʒərəbl]
倍力樂”全球獨有專利的極端保險套,前端獨有快感氣囊,內置螺紋,性交過程中,氣囊隨雙方動作而輕柔緩慢移動,使得雙方倍感快樂!基本介紹 Introducing the most pleasurable condom you’ll ever use 倍力樂的極限感受,無愧於美國雜誌《...
《SPA BOOK》是TASCHEN出版的圖書,作者是Allison Arieff,Bryan Burkhart 內容簡介 Nothing could be more luxurious, pleasurable, or refreshing than pampering yourself in a sumptuous spa. The best ones are designed to look and ...
This is meaningful, is incredible, pleasurable, unforgettable The way I feel, so sweet Makes me want to say It's so amazing how something so sweet Has come and rearranged my life I've been kissed by destiny Oh, ...
Is it the danger or the pleasurable stranger but those are the chances we'll take.I'd hate to come face to face with her and her at the same place 'cause it will be hell If I had to tell her someone has ...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\f0\fs20 'Like music, art is a universal language. Although looking at works of art is a pleasurable ...
天使の日曜日 “ef - a fairy tale of the two.” Pleasurable Box.(minori) 2010年9月27日發售 すぴぱら STORY #01 - Spring Has Come!Berry’s(Sphere、Peak A Soul+)2013年6月28日 ALIA's CARNIVAL!(NanaWind)愛...
beyond this world. In its tender, cool irony, The Driftless Area recalls the best of neonoir, and its cast of bona fide small-town eccentrics adrift in the American Midwest make for a clever and deeply pleasurable ...
《The Dreamer's Handbook》是一本圖書,作者是Muhammad al-Jibaly 內容簡介 Sleep can be a welcome occasion of pleasurable rest, or a hateful predicament of fear and terror. Islam, praise be to Allah, presents a clear ...
雨宮明里,《天使的日曜日》中的角色。中文:雨宮明里 日文:雨宮 明里(あまみや あかり)出自:天使的日曜日- ef Pleasurable Box - 【悠久之翼(ef - a fairy tale of the two)的Fandisc】人物介紹:Another凪路線中登場...
”The Wilding is as pleasurable to read as its predecessor, a novel to finish and start right back at the beginning.和《當肉愛上了鹽》一樣,《荒野》值得一讀,因為從一開始就是一個故事的結束,也是一個新的開端。
English and literacy, developed in accordance with brain-based learning principles. The series combines a child-centered approach with accelerated learning activities to activate students’ brains. Young children have pleasurable ...
A good SOI is really a sensually painted picture of the two of you doing pleasurable physical things to each other.好的 SOI 絕對是描繪你和女孩兩個人做那種令人愉快的身體運動的美妙的畫卷 。Underestimate your baby. You ...
天使の日曜日-ef Pleasurable Box- 日期:2010年9月17日 劇本:御影、鏡游 原畫:七尾奈留、2C=がろあ、莊名泉石 音樂:天門 監督:御影 ———SPPL NICE TO MEET YOU すぴぱら NICE TO MEET YOU!日期:2011年12月29日 劇本:...