- 外文名:plansifter
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:['plænsiftə]
- 釋義:套篩;平面篩
square plansifter 高方平篩
rotary plansifter 迴轉篩
aspirated plansifter 吸風平篩
High square plansifter 高方平篩
four-feed plansifter 四路進料平篩
plansifter for paddy separation[糧食] 谷糙分離平轉篩
double nest plansifter[糧食] 挑擔平篩
Two-feed plansifter 挑擔平篩
drawer type plansifter[食品] 抽斗式平篩
Suggestions are made on improving the design of the top frame with double inlets for different stocks so as to render square plansifter perfecter.對不同物料雙進口的篩頂格提出了改進意見,使高方篩結構更趨完善。
The rigid-flexible coupling dynamics' modeling and modal analysis were employed to study the system consisted of square plansifter and flexible suspender.針對高方平篩和其上固結的柔性吊桿組成的動力學系統,進行了剛柔耦合的動力學建模和振動模態分析。
Aiming at the fracture problem of the square plansifter with 8 cells, the calculation for nature frequency and dynamic response of this structure is completed.針對8倉高方平篩的斷裂問題進行了固有頻率和動力回響計算,在對計算結果分析的基礎上,提出了兩種結構改進方案,並對改進結構又進行了計算驗證。