



  • 外文名:periodically
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪkli]
  • 美式發音:[ˌpɪriˈɑːdɪkli]


overflow periodically 周期性泛濫
collect periodically 定期收集
visit periodically 周期性地逗留
mend periodically 周期性地康復
renew periodically 階段性地恢復
periodically deforming 周期性變形
periodically excited 周期激勵
periodically attenuating 周期性細化


  • 1Mailing lists are updated periodically.郵寄名單定期更新。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.定期召開會議監控案件的進展情況。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Periodically, starfish population explodes.海星的數量會周期性地激增。
  • 4For reasons not fully understood, the field itself reverses periodically every million years or so.由於一些尚不完全清楚的原因,該領域本身大約每隔百萬年就會周期性地翻轉一次。
  • 5It might be that yawning helps to clear out the lungs by periodically lowering the pressure in them.打哈欠可能通過周期性地降低肺部的壓力來幫助清理肺部。
  • 6If lifelong learning were to become a priority and the new norm, diplomas, just like passports, could be revalidated periodically.如果終身學習成為優先事項及新常態,文憑就要像護照一樣定期核驗生效。
  • 7It is long known that Earth's orbit around the Sun changes periodically, cyclically affecting the way solar radiation strikes the Earth.人們早就知道,地球圍繞太陽的軌道會周期性地變化,周期性地影響太陽輻射照射地球的方式。
  • 8Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses with kids and work together on any shortcomings, like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating.定期與孩子們一起回顧他們新表現出來的優點與缺點,然後共同努力克服諸如難以與人溝通或協作的困難。
  • 9Some of the nicest homes in Florida are periodically crushed by hurricanes.佛羅里達州一些最好的房屋經常遭到颶風的破壞。
  • 10The inclination, or tilt, of Earth's axis also varies periodically, moving between 22 degrees and 5 degrees.地軸的傾角也會周期性地變化,在22度到5度之間移動。
  • 11Black children and white children could not play together—something Allen periodically brings up as "the stupidest thing I have ever heard".黑人孩子和白人孩子不能在一起玩耍——艾倫時不時地提到這是“我聽到的最愚蠢的事情”。
  • 12Periodically collect snapshot data.定期收集快照數據。
  • 13The Background will change images periodically.背景會定時改變。
  • 14Desktop applications need to be updated periodically.桌面應用程式需要定期更新。
  • 15Production applications undergo changes periodically.生產應用程式需要定期更改。
  • 16Periodically review and revise your mission statement.周期性的回顧和修正你的使命宣言。
  • 17That is why they often need to be renewed periodically.這也就是為什麼快樂消費需要周期性地更新。
  • 18We will raise the issue of translation periodically.我們會時不時提到翻譯的問題。
  • 19Take 5 to 10 deep breaths periodically throughout the day.一天內周期性地進行5到10次深呼吸。
  • 20Yoko would periodically call in and speak to whoever answers.洋子會定期打進來,跟接電話的人講話,不管誰接。
  • 21Periodically, production issues resulted in a change request.產品問題會周期性地引發更改請求。
  • 22And once she's there her parents check up on her periodically.而且她的父母會對她進行定期的檢查。
  • 23Therefore in principal that damage can be repaired periodically.因此,從原理上看,傷害是能夠被定期修復的。
  • 24We also make sure to periodically touch base with them on route.我們還確定在路途中定期地與他們聯繫。
  • 25As with any cryptographic keys, these should be changed periodically.與任何密碼術密鑰一樣,應該定期改變這些密鑰。
  • 26Periodically, the user replicates the local database with the server.用戶定期使用伺服器資料庫來複製本地資料庫。
  • 27They are periodically confused and depressed, but what teen isn't?他們也會叛逆,迷茫,但哪個年輕人不是這樣子的呢?
  • 28Periodically, however, components should be reengineered and refactored.不過,應該定期對組件進行再工程和重構。


