- 外文名:pellicular
- 詞性:形容詞
- 發音:[pə'likjələ]
- 釋義:薄膜的;薄皮的
pellicular electronics[電子] 薄膜電子學
filmy pellicular 薄膜的
pellicular base 薄膜基板
pellicular water[水文][土壤] 薄膜水 ; 薄層水
pellicular complex 有表膜複合膜
pellicular crest 表膜嵴
pellicular enteritis 翻譯 ; 粘液性腸炎
pellicular vein 膜狀菌幕
pellicular moisture 薄膜水 ; 薄膜水分
Some gold particles were found to locate on the pellicular complex of the plasmodium surface or in the cytoplasm of the infected erythrocytes.一些金顆粒則定位於原蟲表面的複合膜或散布在感染紅細胞的細胞質中。
There were 22 microtubules originated from the polar ring, and extended alongside the inner pellicular complex to the posterior end of the merozoite.有22根微管發自極環,沿內膜複合體向體後延伸至尾端。
This paper summarize principle and technical characteristics of precession welding machine, and emphases on precession welding technics of thin metal wire on pellicular PCB base?概述微點焊接的工作原理和技術特點,以及用於薄膜鉑電阻溫度感測器中的薄膜基板上細小金屬引線的微點焊技術。